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Access to Swedish newspapers online

Through the KTH Library you can access the database Mediearkivet (Retriever Research), which is the largest digital news archive in the Nordic region containing printed newspapers, magazines and business press.

In Mediearkivet you can search for articles in one place from all major daily newspapers, rural newspapers and hundreds of magazines.

Mediearkivet is updated daily. Over 900 printed newspapers in PDF or full text format are collected and made available on the same day of publication. Articles published in the print editions of Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen/GT/Kvällsposten, Helsingborgs Dagblad, and Sydsvenskan are added to the archive after 24 hours. Web articles from these titles provide hits but only show the headline and part of the introduction.

If you know which newspaper you are interested in, we recommend that you search for the title in our search service Primo. Then you will enter Mediearkivet with the right source set from the beginning.


Dagens Industri

Dagens Nyheter

Svenska Dagbladet

Please note that Mediearkivet is preset to search for the time period "Last 30 days", which you need to adjust to see material older than that. Mediearkivet also contains material from foreign newspapers. To see these, you can filter out Swedish sources in the source selector. See screenshot.

In addition to articles, Mediearkivet also contains TV and radio clips and podcasts.

Search tips (in Swedish) - Mediearkivet

Search in Mediearkivet

Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us:

Screenshot from the database Mediearkivet
Last 30 days is the default setting but can be changed.
Screenshot of the database Mediearkivet that shows the filter options for foreign material.
Filter options to see non-Swedish material in Mediearkivet.