Division of Ergonomics continues with Lifelong Learning courses
![Mikael Forsman, Professor in Ergonomics at KTH, Photo: Adam Fredholm (Mikael_Forsman_foto_Adam_Fredholm_1080x608.jpg) Mikael Forsman, Professor in Ergonomics at KTH](/polopoly_fs/1.1110916.1634552831!/image/Mikael_Forsman_foto_Adam_Fredholm_1080x608.jpg)
KTH’s project Lifelong Learning continues and the division of Ergonomics launches new courses in work environment and ergonomics in spring 2022.
The courses are open to those in the community without formal admission to a KTH program, and working professionals are very welcome in these courses. The distance courses are currently available in Swedish. It’s mostly distance courses with recorded video lectures and webinars.
There’s been a great interest for the courses and the students come from different areas – both consultants, and people from the trade and from public authorities.
”we’re learning along the way what suits the students best and has come to understand that it’s better to have our webinars between 3 and 5 pm instead of earlier in the day”, says Mikael Forsman, professor in Ergonomics at KTH.
Thomas Hedman is one of the students during autumn 2021. He’s taking three courses, one of them is Sustainable Work – including measurements and risk assessments of noise and vibrations. He’s been working as an environmental engineer for about twelve years and also with occupational health care.
” I see the courses as a complement to my former education at Umeå University. I’m curious and want to learn more”, he says.
Deadline for application is October 15th. Apply through Antagning.se . You can find more information about The Divions of Ergonomics’s courses here .
Text: Åsa Karsberg