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  • New professor wants to improve things for patients

    Rodrigo Moreno, Professor of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
    Rodrigo Moreno, Professor of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Photo: Jon Lindhe
    Published Sep 04, 2024

    Rodrigo Moreno is passionate about improving the situation of patients by developing new tools for healthcare. In June, he was promoted to Professor of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

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  • Summer school at Campus Flemingsberg – towards a better diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

    Daniel Carlsson from KTH Innovation
    Daniel Carlsson from KTH Innovation held a much appreciated workshop on taking research to market. Photo: Åsa Karsberg, KTH
    Published Sep 03, 2024

    At the end of August, the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems organised a summer school as part of the Bosomshield project at KTH’s campus in Flemingsberg. Bosomshield is an EU-fun...

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  • New professor with a passion for leadership and work environment

    Andrea Eriksson
    Andrea Eriksson. Photo: Åsa Karsberg
    Published Aug 28, 2024

    Andrea Eriksson is a professor of psychosocial work environment at the Division of Ergonomics. Her focus is on leadership and work environment – where it is the practical benefits of the research that...

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  • Two CBH projects receives funding from NordForsk

    Zeynep Cetecioglu Gurol and Helene Lundberg.
    Zeynep Cetecioglu Gurol and Helene Lundberg. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Jun 19, 2024

    NordForsk has decided to fund ten research projects on the green transition in the Nordic and Baltic States. Two of the projects involves KTH and the CBH School: COLDREFINERY and AGRIWASTE2H2. Both pr...

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  • Using data to reveal healthcare overcrowding

    Luca Marzano
    Luca Marzano. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Jun 11, 2024

    Together with CBH researchers Sebastiaan Meijer, Adam Darwich and Jayanth Raghothama and staff from Uppsala University Hospital, Luca Marzano, PhD student of the Health informatics and Logistics, has ...

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  • Summer school at Campus Flemingsberg

    A group of happy young students
    This photo is from last year's Summer School at Campus Flemingsberg. on 13 June, there will be a new group arriving at KTH in Flemingsberg for a day of workshops. Photo: Södertörn University
    Published Jun 04, 2024

    For nine days in June, more than 40 pupils who have just finished year seven will visit Campus Flemingsberg and take part in exciting workshops. The so-called Summer School was started by Södertörn Un...

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  • Catherine Trask receives this year's Levi Prize

    Catherine Trask recieves the Levi Prize
    Catherine Trask recieves the 2024 Levi Prize
    Published May 29, 2024

    Catherine Trask, Associate Professor at the Division of Ergonomics, and Programme Director of the master’s programme in Technology, Work and Health, is the recipient of this year's Levi Prize for Work...

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  • CBH launches new Master's programme – Data-driven health

    Photo: Pixabay
    Published May 21, 2024

    In autumn 2025, a new Master's programme in Data-Driven Health will start at Campus Flemingsberg in the main field of technology and health. “We have been working for several years to develop this...

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  • Researchers in protein analysis can receive inventor award

    Simon Fredriksson and Ulf Landegren.
    Simon Fredriksson and Ulf Landegren, finalists in European Inventor Award 2024.
    Published May 21, 2024

    Simon Fredriksson, Adjunct Professor in Molecular Diagnostics at SciLifeLab, is together with Ulf Landegren one of three finalists in the European Inventor Award 2024 under the category "Industry". ...

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  • KTH Chemist chosen for sought-after program

    Woman with glasses.
    KTH postdoc Daisy Pooler. Photo: Jon Lindhe
    Published May 06, 2024

    KTH Postdoc Daisy Pooler has been selected for the CAS Future Leaders program. She is the first chemist from a Swedish university to be chosen in more than ten years. “I think it’s an excellent oppor...

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  • Anselme Payen Award to Lars Wågberg

    Lars Wågberg
    Lars Wågberg. Photo: Johan Olsson
    Published Apr 09, 2024

    Lars Wågberg, Professor of Fibre Technology at CBH School, receives the prestigious Anselme Payen Award 2024. "It is of course an honour and I am especially pleased with my research group, which of...

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  • New workshops on interpersonal skills for Doctoral students and supervisors

    Illustration: iStock
    Published Mar 26, 2024

    HR at CBH invites to new workshops for both doctoral students and supervisors, where theory is combined with discussions. As in the autumn, the theme is interpersonal skills. The workshop is held on t...

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  • "They discover programmes they didn't think existed"

    Peter Sillén, programme manager Engineering and Economics, and Solivan Yehya, student ambassador.
    Peter Sillén, programme manager, Engineering and Economics, and Solivan Yehya, student ambassador.
    Published Mar 25, 2024

    On March 21 there was an Open House at KTH in Flemingsberg. Programme managers, study counselors and students met interested visitors and told them about the different engineering programmes and the T...

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  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering – only at KTH

    Sofie Göransson and Marion Salem
    Sofie Göransson and Marion Salem graduated from the Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering in 2022. It did not take long for them to get jobs. Photo: Åsa Karsberg, KTH
    Published Mar 20, 2024

    From autumn 2024, KTH will be the only university in Sweden to offer a 3-year Bachelor of Science programme in Chemical Engineering. For those who want to contribute to making the planet a little bett...

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  • "My goal is to put KTH on the map"

    Veronique Chotteau
    Veronique Chotteau. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Mar 19, 2024

    Veronique Chotteau leads a multidisciplinary research group that is the only one of its kind in Sweden and one of the few in the world. After more than ten years in industry developing processes to pr...

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  • Biochemicals from wastewater – a gamechanger

    Researcher working in a fume hood.
    Isaac Owusu-Agyeman is one of the researchers who want to use bioreactors to produce volatile fatty acids from wastewater. Photo: KTH
    Published Mar 13, 2024

    Researchers at KTH aim to produce chemicals from wastewater as an alternative to fossil-based chemicals. The researchers in the project named NEEDED, which is funded by Åforsk, will design a group of ...

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  • Eva Malmström elected to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

    Eva Malmström
    Eva Malmström has a great commitment to the conditions for research. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Feb 07, 2024

    Eva Malmström, professor in coating technology, has been elected to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Class for engineering sciences. “I am particularly pleased to be part of a group where one...

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  • Innovating education: KTH Cloud's journey from concept to reality

    Emil Karlsson and Pierre Le Fevre
    Students Emil Karlsson and Pierre Le Fèvre built the KTH Cloud as a degree project. Photo: Åsa Karsberg, KTH
    Published Jan 31, 2024

    Two students from the Computer Engineering programme in Flemingsberg built a cloud service as a degree project. Since then, Pierre Le Fèvre and Emil Karlsson have built on the concept and can now offe...

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  • New method can map B and T cell receptors in human tissue

    Kim Thrane
    Kim Thrane. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Jan 24, 2024

    Researchers at KTH, KI and SciLifeLab have found a way to identify unique immune cell receptors and their location in tissue. The results were published in the journal Science.

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  • “Witnessing the launch of the space capsule was incredibly powerful”

    Michail Magkos and Mikael Forsman
    Michail Magkos and Mikael Forsman witnessed the launch at Kennedy Space Center. Photo: private
    Published Jan 23, 2024

    On 18 January, at 22:49 Swedish time, Marcus Wandt and the other astronauts of the Axiom 3 mission were launched into space from Kennedy Space Center, Florida. CBH researchers Mikael Forsman and Micha...

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