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  • Algae waste to become food and cosmetics in circular EU project

    Smiling woman outside.
    Amparo Jimenez Quero, researcher at the Division of Glycoscience at KTH.
    Published Sep 28, 2022

    Each year, large amounts of macro and microalgae are produced over the world, but the waste from the production is discarded and not made use of. A new EU project coordinated by KTH aims at finding wa...

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  • MTH is gaining momentum

    Man with jeans jacket.
    Sebastiaan Meijer, Head of department at MTH. Photo: Sabina Fabrizi, KTH
    Published Sep 22, 2022

    The major part of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems is situated in its own building by the Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge and has around 110 employees. One division,...

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  • CBH’s Tomas Rosén competes in research presentation

    Smiling man.
    Tomas Rosén is competing in Researcher's Grand Prix on September 30. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Sep 22, 2022

    Researcher’s Grand Prix is a Swedish competition that has been running annually since 2012, where researchers compete by presenting their research in the most captivating way. On September 30, the com...

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  • Chemical engineering works with society's challenges

    Smiling woman.
    Carina Lagergren, Head of Department of Chemical Engineering.
    Published Sep 15, 2022

    The research at the Department of Chemical Engineering spans the fields of energy, environment and chemical engineering towards new processes – work that has recently received increased relevance and ...

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  • The practices and effects of involving older people in technology development

    Björn Fischer
    Björn Fischer. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Sep 13, 2022

    In his dissertation, Björn Fischer investigates the practices and effects of involving older people during technology development.

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  • Summer school at KTH gave students the research bug

    Two young researchers in lab coats.
    High school students Mathias Chang and Klara Wagenius in the lab at KTH. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Aug 17, 2022

    High school students Klara Wagenius and Mathias Chang got to try out being KTH researchers for a couple of summer weeks. An experience that gave them a taste for more – they both want to become resear...

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  • Rewarding being a mentor to future researchers

    Smiling man with glasses.
    Antonio Capezza is a postdoc researcher in polymeric materials. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Aug 17, 2022

    During the summer, postdoc researcher Antonio Capezza has mentored two unusually young KTH researchers - high school students Klara Wagenius and Mathias Chang. Together, they have researched the use o...

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  • New catalyst can provide cheaper and more efficient production of hydrogen

    Two men.
    Hao Yang and Mårten Ahlquist. Photo: Sabina Fabrizi and Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Jun 22, 2022

    Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology have participated in developing a new, very effective catalyst for the oxidation of water into oxygen and hydrogen. The results, which have recently be...

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  • New Horizon Europe project aims at reducing emissions from the agricultural sector

    Smiling man.
    Assistant Professor Shareq Mohd Nazir. Photo: Åsa Karsberg: KTH
    Published Jun 15, 2022

    Researchers at the Department of Chemical Engineering are collaborating with other European partners to develop and implement technologies that could significantly reduce emissions of methane and nitr...

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  • Secondary school pupils learn programming at campus Flemingsberg

    Secondary school pupils at Vistasolan
    Two of the pupils from Vistaskolan in front of the computer. Photo: Mikael Sjöberg
    Published Jun 15, 2022

    During five Tuesdays this spring, ten Secondary school pupils (ages 10 to 12) from the Vista school (Vistaskolan) in Huddinge have been learning programming in one of the computer rooms at campus Flem...

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  • New films to highlight KTH:s five campuses

    New campus films
    Published May 04, 2022

    Why are KTH’s five campuses located where they are? New campus films – one for each campus and one film with all campuses – explains and highlights the strategic focus areas of each campus. There’s of...

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  • CBH student awarded for Best degree project

    Louise Ulveland
    Louise Ulveland. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH.
    Published May 04, 2022

    The Trade Association Swedish Water (Svenskt Vatten) every year awards Best degree project within the area of water and wastewater. One of the winners 2022 is Louise Ulveland from the Degree programme...

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  • Knots that can solve the problems of the future

    Man with a beard.
    Fredrik Schaufelberger. Photo: Åsa Karsberg, KTH
    Published Apr 21, 2022

    A new type of molecular knot that forms weaves recently led to a publication in the scientific journal Science. ”It was a satisfying aesthetic form. This type of knot exists everywhere in celtic myth...

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  • New way to identify functional genomic regions

    Two women.
    Anniina Vihervaara and Adelina Rabenius. Photo: Privat
    Published Mar 28, 2022

    Researchers at the Department of Gene Technology have developed a protocol that describes how to identify active genes and functional genomic regions from nascent RNA-sequencing data.

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  • Emma Lundberg awarded the Göran Gustafsson Prize

    Woman with blond hair.
    Professor Emma Lundberg. Photo: Daniel Roos, Scilifelab
    Published Mar 09, 2022

    Professor Emma Lundberg is one of five promising young scientists who are awarded the Göran Gustafsson Prize from the Swedish Academy Of Science. The prize is given in five different categories, mathe...

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  • Céline Montanari, Biocomposites

    Woman in lab coat.
    Céline Montanari. Photo: Gabriella Mastantuoni, KTH
    Published Feb 02, 2022

    In recent years, the development of transparent wood biocomposites derived from delignified wood substrates have gained interest because they combine attractive structural properties with optical func...

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  • Identified protein-ligand binding could contribute to early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

    Yogesh Todarwal.
    PhD student Yogesh Todarwal is first author of the article in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B where the results have recently been published. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Dec 22, 2021

    Researchers at the department Theoretical Chemistry and Biology have contributed to the understanding of the interaction between markers and the proteins behind Alzheimer’s disease.

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  • New AI method provides a better understanding of our cells

    Emma Lundberg.
    Professor Emma Lundberg, Scilifelab.
    Published Dec 14, 2021

    A new AI-based method can give researchers a better understanding of the structure of our cells. Using the new technique, called Multi-Scale Integrated Cell (MuSIC), an international research team has...

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  • Xuying Wang, Surface chemistry and corrosion science

    Xuying Wang.
    Published Dec 08, 2021

    When assessing hazards of metals, alloys, and metal-containing items, the metal release (bioaccessibility) is of high importance. Triggered by increasingly stricter hazard classifications for metals, ...

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  • New Lifelong learning project group at CBH

    Per Berglund, LLL coordinator at CBH
    Per Berglund is LLL coordinator at CBH. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Nov 25, 2021

    The number of Lifelong Learning courses (LLL) are increasing at CBH. A new working group has been formed in order to discuss and handle all matters of LLL. A new e-mail address has been created for co...

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