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An Update on Source-Filter Interaction

Time: Thu 2018-10-25 16.15

Location: F0

Participating: Professor Ingo Titze

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Speaker bio and abstract:
Professor Ingo Titze is an international leader in voice science
research, with well over 200 journal papers to his credit. He is also a
highly appreciated teacher and presenter, who cares a lot about public
outreach. His particular research interests are the acoustics and
biomechanics of speech, with primary emphasis on computer simulation of
human vocalization. Ingo Titze’s numerous mathematical models of voice
production mechanisms have long served as foundation stones for the
voice research community. One of these is his treatment of the
phenomenon of source-filter interaction, which is widely quoted, but
perhaps less widely understood. In this seminar, he will give us an
update on his thinking on this topic.

On Friday 26 October, Ingo Titze will also act as the faculty opponent
of PhD candidate Peter Pabon, at 14.00 in Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8.