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Research and Development in Energy Technology: Future pathways

Date: 26 November

Time: 11.30 - 17.00, Dinner Buffet and Mingle after 17.30

Venue: Lunch, Poster Session, Award ceremony - Sing-Sing, Lindstedtsvägen 30, KTH

  Conference programme - Lecture hall F2, Lindstedtsvägen 26, KTH


11.30 - 13.00 Lunch and Poster Session

Session 1. Global Energy Technology Perspectives

13.00 - 13.15

Welcome Speech,

Prof. Ramon Wyss, Vice Presidents of International Affairs, KTH

Dr. Olga Kordas, Director of the Energy Platform, KTH

13.15 – 13.20

Introduction to the event by the moderator,  

Prof. Lars Nordström, KTH

13.20 – 13.40

Keynote speech I: Global Energy Technology perspective,

Dr. Uwe Remme, International Energy Agency

13.40 – 14.00

Keynote speech II: Swedish Energy Technology perspective,

Mr. Jan Nordling, The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences

14.00 – 14.30 Questions and Discussions
14.30 – 15.00 Coffee Break
14.30 – 15.30

Session 2. Raising the sails: Leading the Path to the Future

15.00 – 15.15

KTH researchers about the path to the future of energy research and innovation:

Prof. Lina Bertling Tjernberg, School of Electrical Engineering

Prof. Björn E Palm, School of Industrial Engineering and Management

Assoc. Prof. Ulla Mörtberg, School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Prof. Göran Lindbergh, School of Chemical Science and Engineering 

15.15 – 15.30 Panel Discussion
15.30 – 15.45

Mobilizing the research, innovation and educational capacities of

Europe’s universities in the SET-Plan : facilitated by UNI-SET FP7

project in collaboration with universities in KIC-InnoEnergy

Dr. Justin Chiu, Representative at UNI-SET project, KTH

15.45 – 16.00

Vattenfall Energy Award

Mr. Jacques Pellis, Head of Recruitment Sweden at Vattenfall

16.00 – 16.10 Break

Session 3. From academic research to industrial action

16.10 – 17.00 

Industry Panel Discussion

Mr. Anders Egelrud, Managing Director at AB Fortum Värme

Dr. Magnus Berg, R&D Portfolio Manager at Vattenfall

Mr. Magnus Hahn, Senior Manager, Research Support Office at Scania CV AB

17.00 – 17.10 Concluding remarks from the moderator
17.20 – 17.30

KTH Energy Platform and STandUP for Energy Best Poster Award Ceremony

Moderator of the award ceremony Prof. Lars J Pettersson

17.30 – 20.00 Buffet & Mingle


Prof. Ramon Wyss

Vice President of International Affairs, KTH

Ramon Wyss is a professor in Theoretical Nuclear Physics and a Vice President of International Affairs at KTH. He has been a leader for setting up the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) InnoEnergy consortium, the leading innovation facility of the European Union within the sustainable energy sector and is serving as board member of KIC InnoEnergy SE. Ramon Wyss lead the start of the Swedish Co Location Center of InnoEnergy, that is in charge of Smart Grid and Storage.

Prof. Lars Nordström

School of Electrical Engineering, KTH

Lars Nordström is Professor in Information Systems for Power System Management. His research interests are methods and tools for analysis and design of reliable, interoperable, secure and high-performing ICT systems for operation, control and automation of power systems. He is engaged in a number of national, regional and international projects on these topics, including FP7 projects Grid4EU and DISCERN.

Dr. Olga Kordas

Director, KTH Energy Platform

Dr. Olga Kordas is the Director of KTH Energy Platform since September 2014. She is also KTH coordinator for STandUP for Energy. She leads a research group Urban Analytics and Transitions (UrbanT) at the division of Industrial Ecology, department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering. Her main research areas are complex system simulation, energy system analysis, and participatory scenarios for strategic planning. She is a coordinator of a Thematic Partnership ReNERGY “Shared visions of sustainable energy systems in cities of the Baltic Sea Region”.

Dr. Uwe Remme

International Energy Agency

Dr. Uwe Remme is energy analyst in the Energy Technology Policy Division of the International Energy Agency (IEA), where he leads the energy-supply side analysis and is responsible for the scenario analysis within the Energy Technology Perspectives project. He has more than ten years’ experience in energy systems modelling and analysis. Prior to joining the IEA, he worked as researcher at the University Stuttgart on several national and European projects in the field of energy modelling as well as assessment of technologies and policy instruments.

Mr. Jan Nordling

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences

Jan Nordling is a Senior Advisor at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). He graduated from KTH with the MSc of Mechanical Engineering in 1977. After graduation he worked at different positions within ÅF and was a Senior Vice President of Business Development at ÅF Infrastructure AB for two years before joining IVA in 2011. Jan is a member of the board of directors for World Energy Council, IVA’s Business Executive Council and lndustrial Research Committee IVA. 

Prof. Lina Bertling Tjernberg

School of Electrical Engineering, KTH

Dr. Lina Bertling Tjernberg is a Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH.  Her research area is in modernization of the electric power systems. Current research project are on wind power maintenance and smart distribution systems. She is a Member of the National Committee of the IEA International Smart Grid Action Network and is an expert for the EU commission within Energy, ICT and Security.

Prof. Björn E Palm

School of Industrial Engineering and Management, KTH

Björn Palm is heading the Department of Energy Technology at the ITM school, and one of two professors heading the Division of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration. His research interests are covering a spectrum from mechanisms of boiling heat transfer to heat pumps, energy in buildings and smart cities.

Assoc. Prof. Ulla Mörtberg

School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH

Ulla Mörtberg is associate professor in spatial and environmental systems analysis and lecturer in energy systems and environmental assessment, in the Environmental Management and Assessment Research Group, KTH. Her research concerns environmental assessment of renewable energy options as well as sustainable urban development, focusing on development of methods and tools for integration of scientific knowledge and stakeholder perspectives in planning and decision making.

Prof. Göran Lindbergh

School of Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH

Göran Lindbergh is Professor in Electrochemical Process and System Engineering at KTH since 2003, and since 2005 heading the Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology. His research is directed towards batteries, fuel cells and electrolysis within the field of electrochemical engineering. Implementation of batteries and fuel cells in the transportation sector is a common theme in his research.

Dr. Justin Chiu

Representative at UNI-SET project, KTH

Dr. Justin Chiu obtained his PhD degree in Energy Technology, KTH, Sweden. His research fields lie in energy storage, district heating & cooling and education. He is the local UNISET representative at KIC CC Sweden aiming to identify professional training profiles required by the employers in the energy sector and to foster the integration of education, research and business/innovation activities.

Mr. Jacques Pellis

Head of Recruitment Sweden at Vattenfall

Jacques Pellis is the Head of Recruitment Sweden for Vattenfall. Educational background in ‘social / organizational science’ at the University of Tilburg (Netherlands) and working background mostly in project & change management. I am a volunteer supporting the start-up of ‘War Child Sweden’ as well I am sitting on the executive board of the ‘Dutch Chamber of Commerce’ in Sweden.

Mr. Anders Egelrud

Managing Director at AB Fortum Värme

Anders Egelrud is the CEO of Fortum Värme samägt med Stockholms stad AB. He studied finance and energy at Luleå University. After graduation he worked at different positions within Vattenfall. In 1996 he was employed at Gullsspång, which through a series of mergers and acquisitions later became part of the Fortum group in 2002. He was appointed managing director, CEO, of the subsidiary Fortum Värme samägt med Stockholms stad AB in 2006. Anders is a member of the board of directors for the Swedish District Heating association and EFA.

Dr. Magnus Berg

R&D Portfolio Manager at Vattenfall

Dr. Berg is R&D Portfolio Manager at Vattenfall, responsible for the area Customer Products and Solutions. He is also Managing Director for ChlorOut AB, a subsidiary of Vattenfall AB. He has during his professional career worked for a number of different companies but always within the energy sector and for the last ten years he has held various management positions within Vattenfall R&D. He is also adjunct professor at KTH.

Mr. Magnus Hahn

Senior Manager, Research Support Office at Scania CV AB

Magnus Hahn is a Senior Manager at Scania CV AB. His experience spans over thirty years during which he has been a Manager of Business Development, Financial Communications and Investor Relations. He is a former Senior Vice President of Business Communications, Human Resources Sweden and Human Resources Support. He was also a Project coordinator on Competence development

Prof. Lars J Pettersson

School of Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH

Professor in chemical engineering specializing in energy-efficient automotive pollution control