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KTH Energy Platform Best Poster Award

Participants of the Energy Dialogue 2016 together with specially invited jury selected 3 best posters from 34 presented by KTH PhD students on 24 November. The winners will receive a 3-hour individual rhetoric coaching session with professional expertise, sponsored by the Energy Platform, and author of the best poster is invited to present a key-note lecture at the next Energy Dialogue 2017.

The Best Poster Award jury: Marie Alpman, Editor at Forskning & Framsteg, Charlie Gullström, University lecturer and researcher at KTH and Per Alvfors, Professor in Chemistry and Energy Technologies at KTH

Keeping the tradition, annual Energy Dialogue was opened with a PhD poster session, where students from KTH presented their research to the conference participants and compete for the Energy Platform sponsored prizes:

1st Prize: Invitation to give a keynote lecture about your research at the Energy Dialogue 2017; and a 3-hour individual rhetoric coaching session (value: SEK7500) 

2nd Prize: A 3-hour individual rhetoric coaching session (value: SEK7500)

3rd Prize: A 3-hour individual rhetoric coaching session (value: SEK7500)

All registered participants had a chance to vote for their favourite poster from 34 presented, after which a shortlist was generated. The jury selected three winners from the shortlist, with respect to three criteria including innovative design, communication qualities and orientation for a broad audience without specific knowledge in the research field.

The 1st Prize was awarded to the poster labeled "Fuel Cells from Environmentally Friendly Resources” by Annika Carlson, Björn Eriksson, and Henrik Grimler, for its ability to make a selection and to delineate – the most difficult task for all researchers. The poster actually presented three PhD projects at once and did it in a way that cleverly informs a broad audience without prior knowledge about fuel cells. The jury especially emphasized the combination of pedagogic images and clarity in terms of graphical design, which makes it easy to understand the contribution by each researcher to the whole – this one image creates a synthesis, which is particularly appealing.


One of the 2nd prizes was awarded to the poster by Love Pallon about improved insulation of HVC-cables for combination of innovative design with clarity in terms of information. Here, the attractive image which draws the viewer attention to the poster immediately was especially appreciated.

The second 2nd Prize went to David Ariza, with the poster "Prebreakdown in Liquid-Solid Interfaces" that could be defined by the Swedish expression ‘one image says more than a thousand words'. The jury estimated this particular work as the most innovative of all the posters presented this year.