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Energy research at KTH

The development of sustainable energy systems for the services of mankind is one of the major challenges worldwide. Research and Education at KTH in the field of Energy Science and Engineering aim to gain new knowledge, and to develop technologies and systems that will allow the implementation of a sustainable global energy system with respect to both natural resources and environment. Energy research is conducted by a number of KTH's schools, programmes and specialised research centres. This section presents these activities by focus area.

Eliminate the contribution to climate change

Students and researchers are engaged in the global innovation effort to bring forward new solutions that mitigate the threat of climate change and resource scarcity. KTH energy research and innovation is embedded in various disciplines from nano technology to economy. Research and innovation ranges from:

  • New nuclear reactors to more efficient solar cells.
  • Smart grids to efficient heat pumps.
  • Bio fuels to batteries.
  • Turbo machinery to fusion reactors.

The long term vision is to develop energy systems that eliminate the contribution to climate change while at the same time safeguarding ecosystem functions and providing people around the world with energy for their basic needs.

A socio-technic system

While research into new technologies is at the heart of our innovation process, we also study the systems that make them work together in a global, market based economy. The energy system is best described as a socio-technic system in which different actors and institutions interact. The energy systems need to include primary energy sources, conversion technologies, use of energy, and environmental and socio-economic impacts of the energy system.