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SEK 99 million to small lead-cooled nuclear reactors
Researchers and industry in Sweden are working closely together to realise fourth generation lead-cooled nuclear power plants. Testing and preparatory work is in progress at KTH ahead of production of the reactors of the future. “We are delighted with the Swedish Energy Agency decision to award research and development grants of SEK 99 million for the next step – construction of an electric powered test plant in Oskarshamn,” says KTH Professor Pär Olsson, coordinator of the Sunrise Research Centre.
KTH-led Nuclear Materials Platform receives 40 million SEK in funding
KTH has received funding for a new extensive project in nuclear energy technology. The platform for nuclear materials, NuMaP - Nuclear Materials Platform, receives about 40 million SEK from the Swedish Energy Agency. KTH will receive 17 million SEK.
KTH to fill knowledge gaps in large-scale battery production
It is difficult to manufacture batteries on a large scale. For European industry to meet this challenge, researchers, experts, engineers and innovative solutions are required. KTH has a collective competence in the field, a competence that is to be utilize in the KTH Battery 3PC initiative.