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HabitWise - Creating Sustainable Everyday Habits
The machine that can paint your feelings
Are you feeling excited? Metaphone is a machine that captures your emotions and paints an image that expresses them. The use of biodata to interact with technology and to facilitate communication between people is a field that’s becoming ever hotter.
- Publications
Research in MID
Media Technology and Interaction Design is a truly multi-disciplinary division and our research covers a large range of topics within Media Technology and Interaction Design. Those who share similar research interests can come together to discuss, collaborate and ultimately publish on their favourite topics.
- Projects in SF Lab
Do you wish to come in contact with the division? On this page you will find contact information as well as our visiting address.
MID alumni
Former division colleagues and collaborators:
About us
The Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design (MID) is an interdisciplinary research group consisting of media technology and human computer interaction.
Sustainable Futures Lab
Sustainable Futures Lab (SF Lab) team's research interests are located in the intersection between on the one hand media technologies and information and communication technologies (ICT) and on the other hand issues relating to sustainability and sustainable development.