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  • The toolbox - learning for sustainable development

    Sustainable development must be integrated into all of KTH's educational programs. As a support for this work, the Toolbox - Learning for sustainable development has been developed.

  • Communication was key to landing Obama visit

    Efficient communication with the White House staff and a few research news items on the university’s website led U.S. President Barack Obama to visit KTH during the first presidential visit on Swedish soil.

  • Forging the socially responsible engineer

    Two cohorts of Mechanical Engineering students — about 180 students in all — are the first to follow a course in Social Sustainability at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

  • Environmental investment is good business

    A strengthened brand, proud employees and money saved. To invest in the environment and sustainability is profitable for companies. But more reliable methods are needed for accurately evaluating environmental and sustainability efforts, according to Magnus Enell, Adjunct Professor in Industrial Ecology.

  • Sustainability Forum 2023

    Don't miss the year's big event on sustainable development! Sustainability Forum is arranged by the University Alliance Stockholm Trio (KTH, SU, and KI) and is a place where people can meet, build networks, and create collaborations for sustainable development. KTH is hosting the session 2030 In sight: Towards sustainable cities here and now.

  • Breakfast Seminar on Corporate Sustainability Reporting

    Welcome to a breakfast seminar on a new EU directive! We’ll discuss strategies and recommendations for Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) compliance, and how to proactively take advantage of the new regulation by seamlessly integrating it into your climate action, business, and reporting.

  • Brown Bag Seminar with Carlos Eduardo Velasquez on Machine Learning for Sustainable Development in Brazil

    Carlos Eduardo Velasquez works at the nuclear engineering department at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and is a guest professor at KTH Climate Action Centre. In this seminar, he will talk about using machine learning to analyze countries' performance with regards to the sustainable development goals, using Brazil as an example. He will hold a presentation of his work, which will be followed by a discussion. Everybody brings their own lunch.

  • Electrifying Urban Freight Transports: A Breakfast Seminar

    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from urban freight transport is essential for creating sustainable cities. However, emissions from this sector continue to rise. Many European countries have introduced financial incentives to encourage using electric vehicles to reduce emissions in urban freight transport. Despite these efforts, electric vehicles account for only 1.2% of new registrations for light commercial vehicles (LCV), a small portion compared to the higher adoption rates seen in passenger vehicles. Indeed, the literature still identifies the high costs of electric LCV as a significant adoption barrier. This presentation will focus on the impact of financial incentives on the total cost of ownership of electric LCV in the EU and their role in achieving cost-competitiveness of electric vehicles. Additionally, it will explore the factors influencing the diffusion of electric LCV and specific determinants addressing disparities across the European Union.

  • Global objectives for sustainable development

    In 2015, the world adopted 17 global objectives for economic, social and environmentally sustainable development, as well as to work for their achievement by 2030.

  • Sustainable Development

    Everyone knows the concept of sustainable development. Nevertheless, it is often frustratingly difficult to put your finger on exactly what the concept means.

  • Stockholm Trio seminar and networking lunch: Interdisciplinary research and education for sustainable development

    Register by October 14th to enjoy a complimentary lunch and opportunity to mingle with researchers from Karolinska Institutet, KTH, Stockholm University, and the University of Tokyo from 12:00!