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Degree Education
Interested in sustainable urban and regional planning and management, design issues of the public realm or in the environmental engineering and sustainable infrastructure? Division of Urban and Regional Studies is involved in several KTH's degree programmes.
Centre for the Future of Places
International Research Hub on Public Place and Beyond
Cities for All: Gentrification, Public Space, and the Tools of Placemaking
The Centre for the Future of Places was a proud sponsor and co-organizer of the "Cities for All" conference that took place on April 12-13 2018 at Färgfabriken in Stockholm.
Cities for All: Gentrification, Public Space, and the Tools of Placemaking
The Centre for the Future of Places was a proud sponsor and co-organizer of the "Cities for All" conference that took place on April 12-13 2018 at Färgfabriken in Stockholm.
Sustainability and Innovation Drive Improvements in KTH Public Spaces
Sustainable Placemaking Week at KTH campus – Spring 2017