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  • Crowdfunded women better at reaching funding goals

    Backed up by women, female entrepreneurs at crowdfunding platforms reach their funding goals more often than men. Hadar Gafni at the Department of Industrial Economics and Management has mapped the gender patterns at crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.

  • To the moon during a conference

    At her last conference, she arranged a visit to the moon, the Oval room in the White House and a guided tour through Copenhagen with her Nordic colleagues. Despite a pandemic. After Zoom and Teams comes VR, a technology about to explode within organizations, according to Britta Nordin Forsberg, VR researcher at the Department of Industrial economics and management.

  • The actions that prevent sex trade in hotels

    Most people know that both prostitution and human trafficking take place in Swedish hotels. Few, though, think about how this affects the hotel staff and their attitude toward the workplace. And how can hotels prevent these crimes from taking place? Mana Farshid is one of two researchers at INDEK who studied the matter.

  • Environmental taxes make companies invest in research

    Companies with emissions affected by environmental taxes invest more in research and development. This is shown in a new international study by two Indek researchers.