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Highest citation and best paper for unusual trio
Three ITM Professors from two different departments form the team behind JMS Best Paper Award for 2020 – celebrating the highest citations during five years. The cooperation is a little unusual, but is getting more common at ITM.
PECA starts educating Swedish industry
Swedish industry lack updated knowledge in many technologies. Now, KTH's industrial network ICES is about to change that when launching its pilot project, PECA. Here, professional educators are able to tailor the development of courses for companies with KTH knowledge as a basis.
Pain reducing tech suit on export
Garments designed to reduce pain and spasms for patients with brain damage – yes, this is done at KTH. More than ten years ago, researchers Johan Gawell and Jonas Wistrand at the Department of Machine Design produced a prototype of the bodysuit Exopulse. Earlier this year, the company behind the suit was bought by the German med-tech company Ottobock.
Thesis hot topic in politicians’ social media
"It is cheaper to own an electric car than a petrol-driven car." If you think you’ve seen this headline recently, you’re right: the research of Jens Hagman from KTH's Machine Design has made headlines in almost all news media.
Less commuting - more quality of life
More and more people work remotely in Sweden. Some of them have found the Tullinge job hub, a research experiment and a workplace for suburban residents who otherwise commute to work for an hour every morning. The research project is led by Mistra SAMS, researchers at KTH in strategic sustainability studies and Teo Enlund, researcher at KTH in product and service design.
PECA will spread knowledge to the industry
KTH starts a knowledge bank with content that can be used by professional educators to put together corporate training. This way, Swedish industry will be able to offer its employees technical educations, tailor-made for the company’s needs.
AI improves the lives of amputees
About 35 percent of those who have been amputated refrain from prostheses because they are too uncomfortable. By placing connected sensors in the prosthesis sleeves, KTH researchers will optimize the users' prostheses and thereby save large societal costs.
Nanoparticles in emissions on researcher’s radar
Nanoparticles are everywhere, but we don't know how many or how toxic they are to humans and nature. The nPETS project involves researchers from all over Europe who visit road tunnels and airports to study the sub 100 nm emissions.
Sensors improve life for amputees
35 percent of the amputees reject prosthetics because they are too uncomfortable. By placing connected sensors in the prosthetic sockets, KTH will optimize the users' prostheses and also save large societal costs.