The aim of the project is to develop innovative educational approaches to practical STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) education that are based on Computational Thinking (CT).
Computational Thinking (CT) is a transversal skill focused on problem solving and initiative. It is not based on technology, but on the mental process of solving problems of various kinds and finding solutions: thinking at different levels of abstraction, dealing with situations in an analytical way, and developing solving procedures. Computational thinking accustoms to rigour and makes creativity possible; it is a fundamental competence in any field of learning. You can read more about Computational Thinking in this publication from Arnold Pears Developing Computational Thinking, "Fad" or "Fundamental"?
The first phase of the project
The first phase of the project is under way which involves all the project partners creating training material focusing on specific features, approaches and practical solutions applicable to Computational Thinking (CT) for each one of the 10 modules defined below
Framework for the development of the curriculum modules: CT & STEAM for education of prospective teachers;
General Introduction of Computational Thinking: a basic module suitable for all teachers;
CT for pre-school (kindergarten) prospective teachers
CT for primary education prospective teachers;
CT for STEM prospective teachers;
CT for informatics (computing) prospective teachers;
CT for languages, arts and humanities prospective teachers;
Educational environments for CT: design and aspects of integration;
Using Constructivism, and Project and Challenge Driven Pedagogy for learning Computational Thinking;
Technological, pedagogical and instructional design aspects of teaching CT for STEAM.