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KTH startups met leading investors

Dora Palfi from imagiLabs, Klaus Hommels, founder of Lakestar, Per Hedberg from Sting and Tom Magnergård, KTH Innovation
Published Nov 28, 2018

Interest is high in new technology from KTH, not only here in Stockholm, but also on a global scale. Today, KTH Innovation welcomed Klaus Hommels and the team of Lakestar, early investors in companies like Spotify, Klarna, Skype and Airbnb.

A record number of members of KTH Innovation’s investor network Early Bird gathered at KTH for a breakfast meeting on Wednesday morning. The allure was not only new technology from KTH, but also a visit from Klaus Hommels. Having successfully pinpointed a large number of Swedish unicorns, Klaus Hommels is known for having an extremely good eye for business.

Getting access to the right competence, capital and networks is a key component in the commercialization of new technology. By teaming up with Lakestar, KTH Innovation aims to give KTH startups a competitive edge.

The Swedish Industry Gene

During a conversation with Lisa Ericsson, head of KTH Innovation, Klaus Hommels highlighted the attitude of the Swedish startup scene.

- Swedes have that industry gene, call it the IKEA gene. The presenting and design is unique. We’re committed to staying in the center of the Stockholm ecosystem.

After having organized a similar lecture series at the prestigious university ETH Zurich, Lakestar decided to turn their eyes to Stockholm. During Lakestars first visit ealier this fall, Christoph Schuh, Patner at Lakestar, said when asked why Lakestar chose KTH:

- When looking for top tier level universities for potential entrepreneurs in the tech space, KTH, together with Oxford and Cambridge really stand out.

Read about Lakestar's first visit here .

In the spotlight

In the spotlight was also select KTH startups, who pitched their companies to the investors. Ranging from programmable tech-gadgets for girls, to water purification systems, these are the five companies presenting during the breakfast:


imagiLabs builds tools and a community to get millions of girls to take their first of many steps into the world of programming. They bring programming into phones and use it to customize objects around us.

Visit the website

Board Architect

Board Architect makes electronic design quick and truly digital. Using their web-based service, anyone can design and integrate electronic circuits and systems.

Visit their website


Ferritico is a new AI-based digital steel development tool to speed up the steel development process and help digitalize the steel industry.

Read more on Linkedin


Cryptolens offers a state-of-the-art cloud service that makes it trivial to launch and protect any kind of software, with unique AI analytics to optimize revenue and capture untapped customer segments.

Here's the website

Stockholm Water Technology

Stockholm Water technology specializes in the development of low pressure, low cost & low energy electrochemical water desalination/purification systems based on Capacitive Deionization.

Find out more

Want to know more? 

Interested in join KTH Innovation's investor network Early Bird? Register your interest here. 

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Nov 28, 2018