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Funding is key when it comes to developing an idea or research result. Every year, KTH Innovation helps KTH projects secure over 40 million SEK in funding.

Secure funding

KTH Innovation can help you as a student, researcher or employee at KTH, to find the right funding to develop an idea or create impact from your research. 

From prototype to investment

When you develop an idea or create impact from your research, you will need different kinds of resources, from money to helping hands. KTH Innovation can help you secure the right funding to verify that your technology fills a need on the market, file a patent, recruit a team member, and more. We can also help you get in touch with investors.

Funding to test your idea

Testing and investigating if your idea fills a need on the market is crucial when you start developing an idea. KTH Innovation manages the Vinnova funding program VFT-1 for KTH teams in need of early-stage funding. In the program, you can apply for funding of up to 300 000 SEK. The funding can for example be used to bring in a consultant to help with market research, or design a prototype.

When Airmee was still in the idea stage, KTH Innovation gave us advice, contacts and funding to get us to the next level. When we raised capital, they also functioned as a sounding board. The contacts we got through KTH Innovation are still valuable to us today.

Julian Lee, founder of KTH startup Airmee

Five million kronor per year

We have given out 4-5 million SEK yearly since 2012, to a total of 250 projects. Over half of them have gone on to start a company. A review conducted in 2020 showed that projects that have received funding through the program together have gone on to secure 1 billion SEK in commercial funding.

Apply for funding

We handle applications biweekly. If you're a student, researcher, or employee at KTH in need of funding to develop an idea or a research result, get in touch with us.

Investment in technology from KTH

Once you have verified the need for your idea, it may be time to secure investment to keep developing your project.

KTH Innovation's investor network EarlyBird

KTH Innovation Early Bird Network is KTH Innovation's network of private investors, business angels and venture capitalists. We organize regular meetings between the network and projects from KTH that are looking for investment or feedback from investors.

Investment from KTH Holding

KTH Holding is a public company that has been administered by the KTH university board since 1996. The holding company invests in early-stage, promising startups stemming from research or education at KTH with the aim of promoting commercialisation and enabling new science to create impact in society.

Questions about funding?

Do you have questions about funding for your idea, or are you interested in joining KTH Innovation's investor network? Reach out to us!