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Travel free meetings – less output more input, 10 Feb 2016

KTH’s environmental goal is to improve the impacts our activities have on Earth’s climate and natural resources. Choosing environmentally responsible means of transport to and from work and increasing the use of travel free meetings are important measures towards reducing our environmental impacts. How can IT solutions at KTH keep researchers and employees active in global forums and improve our environmental impacts? Welcome to a breakfast seminar with speakers Miriam Börjesson Rivera, DAvid Nilsson and IT department’s Catharina Gottberg and Björn Larsson.

Seminar: Travel free meetings at KTH


Date: February 10
Time: 9:00- 10:30 (sandwich and coffe from 8:30)
Place: Brinellvägen 8, matsalen pl. 4  

Registration is closed!


Moderator: Erica-Dawn Egan

8:30-9:00 Breakfast mingle 

9:00- 9:20  "Teliasonera, where web meetings are the standard", Miriam Börjesson Rivera,Environmental Strategies Research (fms), CESC, KTH Börjesson Rivera (pptx 421 kB)

9:20-9:40  "Travelling without borders project: How IT solutions can be used to promote research", David Nilsson, KTH Nilsson Travelling without borders (pptx 3.0 MB)

9:40 - 10:00 "IT solutions for travelfree meetings at KTH", Catharina Gottberg och Björn Larsson, IT department, KTH KTH Videoconference (pptx 491 kB)

10:00 - 10:30 Discussion