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KTH News

  • Researchers find way to stabilize promising material for solar panels

    A solar cell on top that is flatter, and one on the bottom which is rounder
    This image shows the difference between an ordinary perovskite solar cell, top, and a perovskits solar cell with a water-repellent molecular-thin layer, below.
    Published Oct 25, 2021

    One of the solar energy market’s most promising solar cell materials—perovskite—is also the most frustrating. A research team in Sweden reports a possible solution to the environmental instability of ...

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  • Senseable Stockholm research delivers results for safety, transport and segregation

    A man and two women in a discussion.
    Carlo Ratti, MIT, Sigbritt Karlsson, KTH and Anna König Jerlmyr, City of Stockholm debate city development and the joint Senseable Stockholm Lab in City Hall.
    Published Oct 22, 2021

    In the space of just over two years, collaboration within the Senseable Stockholm Lab has delivered a number of research results that over time, can benefit both Stockholmers and their city. “Our col...

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  • Changing norms around housing and everyday life can lead to more sustainable lives

    Foto: Unsplash
    Published Oct 20, 2021

    The climate debate has long had a tendency to individualize responsibility and place great focus on technological development - and painted this as the saviour for the planet. Pernilla Hagbert researc...

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  • Sverker Sörlin is awarded IVA's Great Gold Medal

    Sverker Sörlin. Photo: Karin Tengby
    Published Oct 20, 2021

    Sverker Sörlin, Professor in Environmental History at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, has been awarded the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' (IVA) Great Go...

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  • Gel fights drug-resistant bacteria and induces body’s natural immune defense

    A piece of hydrogel is seen on the tip of a finger in the lab.
    “Bacterial cells are interactive, and so are dendritic macromolecules,” says KTH Professor Michael Malkoch. “When they meet, it doesn’t turn out well for the bacteria.”
    Published Oct 14, 2021

    In the fight against multidrug-resistant bacteria, scientists in Sweden have developed a new kind of antibiotic-free protection for wounds that kills drug-resistant bacteria and induces the body’s own...

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  • Method recycles batteries faster, with less environmental impact

    Xiong Xiao in the laboratorium.
    KTH scientist Xiong Xiao uses ultrasound in combination with acetic acid and citric acid, instead of sulfuric acid, to extract the metals from the batteries. Photo: Peter Ardell
    Published Oct 11, 2021

    As the electrification of society increases, so does the amount of used batteries that need to be recycled. Scientists at KTH have developed a new method to recycle valuable metals from used lithium b...

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  • Student's training brings sustainability to family business

    Portrait of Suganya Senthil Kumar
    "You can talk openly with the teachers about what you need and then they focus on it." Suganya Senthil Kumar
    Published Sep 01, 2021

    A year ago, Suganya Senthil Kumar was studying in the international master's programme, Sustainable Production Development, at KTH in Södertälje. Now she is applying the knowledge she gained to her fa...

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  • Symbiosis - multifaceted exhibition in collaboration with KTH research

    Foto/Photo: John Jakobsson
    Published Aug 26, 2021

    Researchers Mattias Höjer, Timos Karpouzoglou , Katarina Larsen and David Nilsson have collaborated with artists from Färgfabriken and developed elements in the upcoming exhibition Symbiosis.The exhib...

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  • Champion for women's and children's health receives KTH Innovation Award

    Portrait of Rustam Nabiev
    Rustam Nabiev was named the first recipient of the new KTH Innovation Award as co-founder of Shifo. (Photo: Patrik Lundmark)
    Published Jul 01, 2021

    The very first KTH Innovation Award goes to Rustam Nabiev, co-founder of the non-profit Shifo Foundation, which focuses on children’s health in countries with low vaccination rates. Nabiev has a cryst...

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  • 'Consuming more won’t make us any happier'

    Johan Rockström standing next to tree
    “We are facing major systemic changes. We have entered a new renaissance. Sustainability is increasingly proving to be the way forward towards modern welfare, that which can result in more stable societies and by extension, more peaceful times,” says Johan Rockström, climate researcher and Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Photo: Fredrik Persson
    Published Jun 29, 2021

    As a diligent debater on environment issues, climate researcher Johan Rockström has long warned that climate changes on Earth are leading towards a global crisis. Today, he is a director of one of th...

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  • His tools can optimize our future transport systems

    Two maps of Sweden that show that Gordian's solution generates 80% less infrastructure investment
    Illustration: Gordian
    Published Jun 24, 2021

    An old observation is that nothing is more difficult to predict than the future. But based on existing trends, it is safe to assume that electrification, digitalization and automation will have a majo...

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  • KTH researchers help Stockholm to recover wastewater heat

    Published Jun 22, 2021
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  • Learning sustainability by doing - Collaborative, active and reflexive learning

    Foto: Kaleidico / Unsplash
    Published Jun 16, 2021

    Kateryna Pereverza and Oleksii Pasichnyi are researchers and teachers at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED). With a strong interest in teaching, co...

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  • From milk protein, a plastic foam that gets better in a tough environment

    Blocks of foam are lined up to show how petroleum based foams degrade after heat exposure
    From left to right, foam materials consisting of whey, polyurethane, polystyrene, polyethylene and polystyrene. The top row represents unexposed materials and the bottom row represents the materials exposed to 150 degree air for one month.
    Published Jun 10, 2021

    A new high-performance plastic foam developed from whey proteins can withstand extreme heat better than many common thermoplastics made from petroleum. A research team at KTH Royal Institute of Techno...

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  • Paper waste makes greener steel

    Woman in lab holding a lab glass
    Osmet started around the same time as Tova Jarnerud graduated from Bergs. Tova had not planned to do a doctorate, but was attracted by the Osmet project. Photo: Alexandra von Kern.
    Published Jun 02, 2021

    If the ideal sustainability project saves both the environment and money, and at the same time develops a research area, Osmet might be just that. Two of Sweden's largest basic industries join forces ...

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  • Green projects on the KTH Campus

    A bicycle shelter built of metal with lattice walls.
    The image shows a standard cycle shelter design. KTH has chosen a modified version with perforated metal panels in the mid-section of the sides for greater security. The cycle shelters will have a sedum roof. It is a sustainable living green roof that will absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. Photo: Akademiska Hus.
    Published May 21, 2021

    A green lease, solar panels, and safe cycle shelters are examples of projects where KTH and Akademiska Hus work together for a greener campus. It is also in line with KTH’s aim of a more sustainable c...

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  • KTH Alum of the Year 2021 wants to make the chemical industry green

    Portrait of Karim Engelmark Cassimjee
    “When we can get enzymes to work in a factory environment, this will open up a whole world of new products – when you think of all the materials found in nature, we will no longer be locked into a handful of chemical product materials. One vision I have is to be able to replace environmentally harmful parts of concrete production, a major climate villain, with natural materials", says business leader Karim Engelmark Cassimjee, KTH Alumnus of the Year 2021.
    Published May 18, 2021

    As a KTH student he discovered that environment friendly chemicals production was not available for major industry. He is now head of EnginZyme, a company that develops environment friendly chemical e...

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  • In the silence of a pandemic, airport becomes a noise pollution test lab

    A binaural recording setup placed in the forest near Arlanda - a dummy head with microphones in ears
    One of the binaural recording set-ups in the woods near Arlanda International Airport's runway 26. (photo: Anders Johansson)
    Published Apr 23, 2021

    With air traffic reduced to a shadow of its pre-pandemic levels, Stockholm’s international airport has become a lab of sorts, allowing researchers to collect unprecedented data that could help reduce ...

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  • KTH and Hitachi ABB Power Grids join forces in energy transition

    A gruop of people standing in the stairs.
    In a strategic partnership. From the left Sigbritt Karlsson, Mikael Östling and Johan Blaus KTH and Jenny Larsson, Filip Elveling and Thomas Krysén från Hitachi ABB Power Grids.
    Published Apr 22, 2021

    The development of safe, secure and green electrical power will be crucial in the transition to a more sustainable society. KTH and Hitachi ABB Power Grids are now entering into a strategic partnershi...

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  • KTH among world top 50 in sustainability impact, seventh in EU

    KTH campus at night.
    Goals in which KTH ranked among the top 20 worldwide were Partnerships for the Goals (seventh), Climate Action (seventh), and Sustainable Cities (20th).
    Published Apr 21, 2021

    Times Higher Education announced its Impact Rankings today, naming KTH Royal Institute of Technology 41st among the 1,001 institutions evaluated.

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