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Arnold Neville Pears

Professor of the Science of Technology

Research within the area of science of technology focuses on understanding how learning takes place within the various fields of technical knowledge. The research approach is from a perspective in which learning is studied both as learning specific technical concepts, and more broadly in terms of technical and engineering skills and competences.
The research results give insights into the student's understanding and learning of complex concepts, as well as better knowledge of how new technologies and education methods influence the learning process. Greater understanding of students' learning will improve the basis to support students in technology disciplines. This will also contribute to developing education at all levels, from elementary schools and higher education, to lifelong learning in the workplace.
A major current challenge is issues related to how a more diversified population of young people can be inspired to become engineers, and to study natural sciences, mathematics and technology. What makes studying these subjects meaningful and relevant? It is important to consider these questions, particularly since in the developed world the engineering sciences are still dominated by men.

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Dec 21, 2017
Anders Friberg
Ann Cornell
Antonius van Maris
Arnold Neville Pears
Benoit Baudry
Carina Lagergren
Christer Fuglesang
Christina Divne
Dimos Dimarogonas
Hans Edin
Henrik Boström
Jean-Marc Battini
Magnus Wiktorsson
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Michael Malkoch
Monica Bellgran
Nicole Kringos
Panagiotis Papadimitratos
Torbjörn Gräslund
Yusak Octavius Susilo