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Anders Friberg

Professor of Computer Science with focus on musical communication

Research into musical communication operates in the borderlands between psychology, the theory of music and technology. A key focus of Anders Friberg's research is studies of musical performance, i.e. understanding and modelling how musicians communicate different expressions through their instruments. In the unique computer program "KTH rule system for music performance" the research group has combined principles for communicating both the musical structure and the emotional intention. They have also developed software that can manage musical performance in real time, which has provided for various interactive applications.

Another primary focus is to understand in greater detail how listeners decode the musical signals. Friberg's research group is working with a model to test a new type of perceptual feature in the musical signal, in order to describe how listeners experience music. In this work, analysis models are developed which extract perceptually relevant parameters from audio files. The aim is for these parameters to be used to e.g. predict the emotional expression in the music.

The research falls under the areas of Music Information Retrieval and Sound and Music Computing and is relevant for applications within e.g. music distribution, such as Spotify and Apple music, as well as music production.

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Dec 21, 2017
Anders Friberg
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