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Topics to be covered by the seminar include, but are not limited to the following subjects:

  • Crime and perceived safety in transport nodes (e.g., bus stops, subway stations, train stations, immediate surroundings, but also along the trip, from door-to-door)
  • Safety and environments where the trip takes place (e.g., influence of the design of stations or wagons on crime risk and fear,  the role of CCTVs and security measures)
  • Transit crime and neighborhood and/or city contexts (e.g., the influence of neighborhoods on transit crime)
  • Safety and individuals’ movement patterns (e.g., the space-time dynamics of safety, whole journey approach to crime risk and fear, the use of ICT and safety, safety and users’ specific needs, the needs of the disable and the elderly)
  • Planning safety on the move (e.g., situational crime prevention, women’s safety and mobility strategies, institutional and economic barriers when ensuring a safe trip)

Speakers are contributors of the Security Journal’s Special Issue entitled Safety on the move: Crime and perceived safety in transit environments, to be published by Palgrave in July 2014.

The seminar is primarily for researchers but open to practitioners and students. The audience should include a variety of profiles, with researchers (urban planners, geographers, criminologists, sociologists, engineers), experts and other practitioners working directly with safety in transit environments.

Belongs to: School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
Last changed: Dec 05, 2016