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Space Rendezvous - how to successfully launch new Swedish space companies into orbit?

Welcome to Space Rendezvous!

Swedish space companies are internationally competitive and Swedish innovations are found on numerous rockets and satellites.

The Kista technology cluster is world known for its function as a Swedish innovation engine and holds many successful space companies, a perfect place to address the question: What's the secret sauce of space success?

Time: Thu 2023-04-27 13.00

Location: KTH Kista: Electrum building, Sal A, Floor 2. 16 Kistagången, Kista, Sweden

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During the Space Rendezvous you are invited to:

  • Learn about some of the latest innovations and developments in the Swedish space industry from a wide range of prominent speakers
  • Meet and mingle with space start-ups, companies, students and decision makers
  • Explore what conditions are needed to create a thriving Swedish space innovation ecosystem

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13:00 Welcome! Marco Giertz, CEO Visit Kista AB

13:00 - 13:10 KTH Space Center; what is the Swedish space node? Christer Fuglesang, Astronaut

13:10 - 13:20 Working on Venus. The Radio We Could Send to Hell! Carl-Mikael Zetterling, Professor

13:20 - 13:30 STING – European Space Accelerator powered by Sting and Cassini: Linda Krondahl, Project Manager

13:30 – 13:40 I.S.A.A.C. - International Space Asset Acceleration, Mattias Hansson, CEO & Co-founder

13:40 - 13:50 ReOrbit: Satellites for connectivity in space. Ernst Wehtje, Business Development Manager

13:50 - 14:00 IR-Nova - Championing IR technology for space. Eric Costard, CTO

14:00 - 14:10 THINGS - Space Tech for the rest of us. Magnus Melander, Evengelist & Co-founder

14:20 - 14:30 Electrum Laboratory; more than just a lab. Nils Nordell, Director

14:30 -15:25 Coffee/mingle break, space competition – with prize! Guided tours of the Electrum Laboratory.

Space cake sponsored by OHB.

Space exhibition: OHB,, IR-Nova, Aesir, MIST, STING, THINGS… and many more!

15:25 -15:35 OHB - 30 years of space success. Fredrik Sjöberg, Deputy Managing Director

15:35 - 15:45 Swedish National Space Agency. Christer Nilsson, Deputy Director-General

15:45 – 15:55 FMV, Swedish Defence Materiel Administration. Christian Krokstedt, Project Manager

15:55 - 16:10 AESIR & MIST - Student rockets & satellite – Hugo Wijk, Chairman & Sven Grahn, Project Manager

16:10 - 16:20 PandionAI - Securing timely information by putting AI in space and control to the user. Markus Skogsmo, Chief Executive Officer

16:20 - 16:30 Ted Elvhage, Founder 

16:30 - 17:00 Panel discussion; how do we enable Swedish space startups to succeed and grow?

Moderator: Christer Fuglesang, Astronaut, KTH Space center

Swedish National Space Agency, Christer Nilsson, Deputy Director-General

Porkchop, Matija Milenovic, Co-founder, TBD

ReOrbit, Sethu Savedda Suvanam, Founder

PandionAI, Markus Skogsmo, CEO

STING, Linda Krondahl

17:00 - after event networking Space PUB in collaboration with The Student Chapter of Information and Nano Technology at KTH Kista. RSVP in registration form!