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Dita is from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Before pursuing her master's study in the Electric Power Engineering programme at KTH, she worked in Indonesia's project management and renewable energy field for 4.5 years. She got her bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in 2017. In her leisure time, she likes exploring nature and doing watercolour painting.

Why did you choose this master’s programme at KTH?

KTH has been on my radar since 2013, when I started my bachelor's study at UGM. In my previous university, I had several teachers who graduated from KTH. We had an academic supervisor who helped us to plan our courses and gave us approval every semester. My academic supervisor was a KTH alumnus, and he often told me about KTH and how beautiful Sweden is. After researching universities worldwide, soon, I decided to study at KTH. The extensive programme curriculum in one of the best technical universities in Europe was a solid reason to choose KTH. In addition, its location is in Sweden, one of the leading countries in the energy transition. My career pursuit is to contribute to the global energy transition; therefore, KTH is a perfect place where I can study and network with fellow engineers and researchers.

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

My study at KTH has been quite different from my previous education. In the Electric Power Engineering programme, we have the freedom to choose our courses. It opens opportunities for students to cherish their interests and take the most relevant courses for their career ambitions. In my previous study, we had less freedom of course selection and fewer elective slots. In addition, most of the courses at KTH include laboratory or projects to implement the theory we learn, often done in a group. Therefore, we are sharpening our engineering knowledge and gaining soft skills to be good team players.

Another difference is the exam pattern; at KTH, the written exam can be up to 5 hours at the end of the study period. While in my previous study, we only had a maximum of two hours for a written exam. We also performed many oral exams at KTH, which I did not have during my previous study. The oral exams allow me to verify my understanding of the topics and get direct feedback from the professor.

How is student life in Stockholm?

The student life in Stockholm is quite vibrant. As an international student, I found Sweden to be very welcoming. We can see the diversity of students and faculties on campus, so we do not face any difficulty communicating in English. More amazingly, almost everyone you meet also speaks English. Of course, learning the local language is excellent, but you will not have any problem exploring and making friends with only English.

There are many things to do outside the campus. The nature in Stockholm is gorgeous, and you can visit many attractions. Stockholm has beautiful places for swimming, hiking, camping and biking. There are plenty of free admission museums to learn the history of Sweden. Many cafes and bars are available for Fika or to hang out with friends. Almost every week, I have dinner with my classmates and friends in different restaurants around Stockholm.

How would you describe your time at KTH so far?

This far, studying at KTH has been a life-changing experience for me. I have only been here for a year, but I have learned so much, not only about academics, but I always see the spark of innovation from people around the campus. Everyone is just so motivated and passionate about what they do. Learning is always so fun because everyone has a solid dedication to the class sessions, assignments, and projects. The professors are always open for discussions, and we could ask anything about the subject.

In addition, KTH offers various activities to join. For example, through the THS (Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår) – the student union. They offer different activities you could join and channel our interests. I joined the THS International Reception last spring, and it was so fun; we were involved in many activities welcoming the international students. I would suggest joining the extracurricular activities; this could be a refreshing option from intense study and assignment routines.

What would you like to say to students considering choosing KTH for master’s studies?

Before deciding where to go for your master's degree, do not forget to put enough time into researching the courses, your study field, the country, culture, career objectives, and other details. Make sure you have considered everything and are confident that it is what you need and want.

Finally, if you are considering KTH for your master's study, I would say you are on a good path. KTH offers various courses that could meet your professional and personal objectives. I feel fortunate to experience an excellent learning environment at KTH, and I recommend KTH to you.