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"KTH offered a programme that perfectly aligned with my interest"

Dora is from Budapest, Hungary and studied towards her bachelor's degree at New York University in Abu Dhabi. At KTH she is studying the Human Computer Interaction specialisation within EIT Digital.

What made you choose KTH and Stockholm?

KTH offered a program that perfectly aligned with my interest, providing practical courses that I believe will prepare me for a career in tech. The fact that KTH is a well-renowned institution and offers high-quality education was of course also important to me when deciding on where to do my master's degree.

I have been studying in many different countries over the past few years such as the UAE, the U.S. and Spain. I really liked the idea of moving to Stockholm because I wanted to be in an international environment but I was also interested in learning about Swedish culture. Additionally, Stockholm has an extremely innovative environment, and is a city with great opportunities for those interested in ICT. 

What do you like most about KTH and what are your impressions of Stockholm?

I love that KTH has a great student life and a very international and welcoming environment. So far my impressions of Stockholm and Sweden are excellent - I would say that there is a great balance of city and nature, of being busy and active and taking time to rest and enjoy life.

What do you like most about being here?

I have my classes in Kista, and that is also where I live so I love that I can usually get around just by bike, and have a small-city life but whenever I want to I can be in the centre of Stockholm in 20 minutes.

What is your best memory so far from your time at KTH?

One of the best KTH experiences I have so far was the fireworks concert at KTH. It was good to see so many people from the city gather on our campus for the event, and I just love the courtyard on the main campus.

What do you think are the differences between studying at KTH and your home university?

My undergraduate university was a lot smaller than KTH, and therefore I enjoy always meeting new people now. My classes are also somewhat different here: I am required to do a lot of project work and always in groups, which again is a great way of constantly meeting new people.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?

If there is a program at KTH that fits their interest I would recommend applying and if they have doubts and questions they can always reach out to the student ambassadors - they are here to help and share their experiences! In general, I think KTH is an excellent choice for anyone as the student body is extremely international it is effortless to meet people and make friends!