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Jeroen recommends everyone to come to Stockholm

Jeroen van Lent came to KTH and Stockholm from Utrecht, the Netherlands. He studies the joint master's programme in ICT Innovation and the programme track Internet Technology and Architecture. He decided to come to KTH and Stockholm for his first year on the programme and has fallen in with the city.

What made you decide to start studying at KTH?

First of all, the amazing city that it is located in! I visited Stockholm a couple of times and every time there was something new to explore. The city is really alive and has a lot to offer. Besides the city, I had the feeling KTH would be a great university focusing on the practical implementation of different technologies. One of the most important things for a good engineer!

How did you decide which programme to choose?

Actually a good friend told me about the EIT Digital master's programmes. The possibility to study at two different universities and add entrepreneurial and business to my knowledge seemed really interesting. This combined with a technical track seemed perfect for me.

What do you see as the greatest aspects of your programme?

The combination of technical and entrepreneurial courses is in my opinion a really good decision. Every day a new start-up is founded, but without the business knowledge a lot of them don’t succeed in the end. Including all of this in the education results in a better engineer for the future, and that’s what I really like.

How do studies here at KTH differ in comparison to your previous experience?

I like the way KTH values its traditions. Even though the university is state of the art in a lot of fields, you can feel that the university already exists for a long time. Official events organised by KTH are unique and there is a lot of activities outside class. Another thing that’s really great at KTH are the student facilities. The library and other student facilities result in a good environment for studying.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

I love it! Everything in Stockholm and Sweden is so peaceful and beautiful even though it is a big city. Especially the old city centre (Gamla Stan) and all the parks are a great place to walk around and relax. If you want there is always something to do or see.

Is there something about life in Stockholm and Sweden that has surprised you?

It was really surprising to see how easily I got used to living here. A lot of signs in the city are in English and it is fairly easy to know your way around the city. The Swedes are really open to other nationalities living in Stockholm and most of the times willing to help you out. I never felt really lost or alone so far.

Do you have a place in the city that you enjoy spending time at?

For me this would definitely be Farsta, the place where I live in Stockholm. After a day at the university it is a good place to come home to and meet the lovely community living in the same building. A lot of activities are organised by other students and there is always someone joining for a beer. Ooh, and did I mention we have a real Swedish lake in the back yard?

Could you describe a regular day as a student at KTH?

The days at KTH difference from day to day. In general I wake up and head to the metro to travel to KTH. Most days I meet some classmates at the station and we travel together to the campus. On average there are two activities a day. This can be either two lectures or a lecture and a lab or workshop. I generally stay a bit longer to do some homework at the campus but it depends on the day. After the serious work most days end with a beer or some other leisure activity.

What do you want to do after you have received your degree here at KTH?

The world is full of possibilities, so everything is possible! For me the EIT Digital Master School continues in Berlin next year. After that I will search for a job and start working for a cool company in the IT sector. Or, maybe become an entrepreneur and start my own business, who knows…

Is there any advice you would like to give others that will live in Stockholm and study at KTH in the future?

Start early with the search for accommodation and try to arrange most things from home. This makes your arrival easier and the sooner you will feel at home and fall in love with this city. Why are you still hesitating? Come to Stockholm!