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"KTH is one of the best and most prestigious technical universities in Europe"

Qihui Wanq is 23 years old and from Baotou, a northern Chinese city in Inner Mongolia. She got her bachelor's degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an. She enjoys reading literature and essays, but also outdoor activities like horse riding, skiing, and mountain climbing.

Why did you choose KTH and Stockholm?

KTH is one of the best and prestigious technical universities in Europe. Besides, I have heard of the beauty of Stockholm many times even back in China. Stockholm, as the largest city in the Nordic countries, would be an ideal choice for both studying and living.

At first sight, I was deeply impressed by the beautiful campus of KTH. Having been to around 20 universities in Asia and Europe, I would say KTH campus is one of the best. What I like most about KTH are the programme and course setting. There are so many specialisations to choose from, and I find that the programme suits me very well. KTH also has excellent hardware and equipment for students.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

Stockholm is an amazing city which combines modern elements, historical sites and natural environment so perfectly. As the capital of Sweden, it has all the modern infrastructure and technology to be a highly-developed international city. As a cultural centre, there are lots of historic buildings preserved and renovated in a pretty good state. 

Moreover, there are many islands, hills, and public green areas as well. Quiet natural places can easily be found to take a break from the noisy and busy modern city life. Now I find it a great pleasure to jog, especially in those beautiful natural parks with a cool breeze and fresh air.

What do you like most about being here?

What I like most about being here is the fact that Sweden has not only placed great emphasis on the respect of human rights but also carried out many practical actions to realise this goal. 

Sweden is without a doubt one of the leading countries in the world when it comes to truly acting in respect of human rights, for example by a strong freedom of speech, promoting gender equality, eliminating discrimination against the LGBTQ community, etc. What’s more, I also like the value of work-life balance here. I think it is better to be high-efficient and work shorter time rather than being low-efficient and working long days. There is more to life than work. 

What is your best memory so far from your time at KTH?

My best memory at KTH so far comes from the traditional KTH welcome reception in the City Hall, where the Nobel prize is awarded each year. It was really exciting and inspiring. The beautiful historic venue, the pleasant concert and choir, several inspirational speeches, and the admiration for the Nobel prize together made up the most memorable welcome reception possible for me.

What do you think are the differences between studying at KTH and your home university?

In my opinion, there are lots of differences between studying at KTH and my home university NPU. First is the international environment. Most of my bachelor's courses were given in Chinese, though NPU has some departments teaching in English. In contrast, professors and students are much more diverse but integrated at KTH, and I could feel like part of the student group, rather than a separate foreign group.

Second is the education system. Maybe it’s a bit unfair to compare my Chinese bachelor's experience with my Swedish master's experience, but I think there are big differences between the two cultures and two education systems regarding programme setting, course plans, etc. One interesting difference might be that very few Chinese bachelor or master students would have the opportunity to do their thesis projects in industry, as we do here.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?

For prospective engineering students, if you know where your passion lies, it is important for you to choose a programme that suits you the best because in different universities even the same specialisation could have different emphases. 

There are so many specialisations at KTH to choose from, so I believe that it would not be difficult for you to find the one that suits you. Besides, with the advantage of being a capital, there are many companies and start-ups thus lots of opportunities for doing your thesis project in the industry in Stockholm. There are more possibilities compared to those universities in smaller towns. And if you also care about the city and surrounding environment of the university, Stockholm would be an excellent choice!