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Dmitry found his preferred education at KTH

Dmitry Kazarin is studying the Master's programme in Software Engineering of Distributed Systems at KTH. Dmitry, originally from Lyubertsy, Russia, believes the programme is perfect for him and has one thing to say about living life in Stockholm, "I love it!".

What made you decide to start studying at KTH?
I was unable to find a Master’s programme like this in Russia. But fortunately I found one in Sweden and at KTH.

How did you decide which programme to choose?
I knew from the beginning what I wanted to study and this programme was perfect for me.

What do you see as the greatest aspects of your programme?
How teachers are open for discussions. It makes the atmosphere in the lecture hall really vibrant and exciting.

How do studies here at KTH differ in comparison to your previous experience?
We only have two courses per period which allows a deeper depth into every course.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?
I love it! It’s as simple as that.

Do you have a place in the city you really enjoy spending time at?
I like walking around the island of Djurgården. Here you also have many museums including the open air museum Skansen.

Could you describe a regular day as a student at KTH?
Several hours of lectures at the university and around 4-6 hours at home with assignments. It is quite a heavy load of work but I like it.

Do you have a dream job after you finish up your degree here at KTH?
I'd like to do backend software development.

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