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Ardina is helping governments to effectively solve urban problems.

Ardina Putri Rahtama graduated from the master’s programme in Sustainable Urban Planning and Design in 2018. Based in Jakarta, she now works for a consulting firm within the urban planning sector.

Ardina Putri Rahtama
Master's programme in Sustainable Urban Planning and Design

Hi Ardina, where are you working at the moment?

I currently work at a consulting firm in Indonesia called RuangWaktu Knowledge Hub for sustainable [urban] development. Our vision is to be a knowledge hub, a place to promote knowledge transfer in the promotion of sustainable development, particularly sustainable urban development. We are working on helping governments to have evidence-based policies to effectively solve urban problems.

What can a regular day look like at your job?

Our clients are mainly governments, donor institutions and private companies that want to solve urban problems. The working culture at my company is quite mobile since we often need to meet with our clients. Otherwise, we usually work from our office in south Jakarta. We also organize open discussions so people can have a place to share knowledge. It is a fun activity, since it gives us an opportunity to meet new people.

Why did you choose this programme at KTH?

After my bachelor’s degree, I wanted to continue my master’s programme abroad, since I wanted to experience a different learning culture. I chose Sustainable Urban Planning and Design at KTH because of the interesting courses offered by the programme. Besides that, I not only wanted to learn in the classroom but also in the context of being in a city. Studying at KTH in Stockholm gave me the opportunity to experience the city for myself.

Are there any insights or knowledge you acquired during your studies that have been extra useful for you in your career?

Yes, absolutely! Sweden in general is a great example of a country that concerns itself with sustainability. I learned first-hand how the Swedish system works to make all different levels aware and active on promoting sustainable development.

What were the best aspects of your studies at KTH?

I was amazed by the flexible system where I didn’t need to follow a strict syllabus. I could mix and match courses that I found interesting, even courses that were not within my programme. Therefore, I could pick courses that I thought were interesting and useful for my future career.

What is your best memory from your time at the university?

There are so many memories from my time at KTH that I could not pick just one But I love to study in the round chair with a tree in the middle. That's my favourite place to study. However, on a sunny day, I preferred to study in the middle courtyard, sitting on the grass or just sitting there with my friends having lunch or just laughing together.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to be an urban planning expert in Indonesia because I want to contribute to improving Indonesian cities. I also want to continue with a PhD programme in the near future. Hopefully, I can get that opportunity in Sweden.

What would you want to say to a student thinking of applying for this programme?

This programme doesn’t create you to be something, but this programme helps you learn about yourself and what you want to be in the future, and it will offer you knowledge which can help you achieve your dream.