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Michail works as a Development Engineer at the Swedish vehicle manufacturer Scania

Michail Korres graduated from the master's programme in Vehicle Engineering in 2017. He now works as a Development Engineer at Scania in Stockholm.

Michail Korres
Master's programme in Vehicle Engineering

At what company and with what are you working at the moment?

I am currently working at Scania as a Development Engineer and more specifically at Scania R&D in the Engine Development Department. My work is focused on testing and optimised integration of the fuel injector in the engine.

A regular day at work comprises everything from meetings to computer work (coding, handling company SW, communication through email and Skype) and testing our component and our engines. On occasion, I also get the chance to travel abroad for work.

Why did you choose this programme at KTH?

I chose the Master’s Programme in Vehicle Engineering at KTH for two reasons:

a) KTH is a renowned university outside the borders of my country, where I could acquire new experiences and come closer to new cultures

b) No need to elaborate on my passion for cars :)

Are there any insights or knowledge you acquired during your studies that have been particularly useful for you in your career?

Referring to my KTH studies, I definitely think that the most important quality I developed was the ability to work and collaborate harmoniously with people coming from a different background and having a different perspective on things. I really came to understand the importance of teamwork in order for a common endeavour (whether a project, presentation, etc.) to be successful.

What were the best aspects of your studies at KTH?

The best aspect of my study at KTH was the good balance of university work and private life. Workload was optimised in a way that did not hinder me from having time for myself and my personal activities. Moreover, the life-lasting relationships I found through the university are something that cannot be easily forgotten.

What is your best memory from your time at university?

Simply sitting on the grass in the mall square of the KTH campus and having stimulating conversations with my friends (mostly not university related I have to admit). Of course, the tentapub (exam party) nights, yet blurry, will always hold a special place in my heart.

What are your plans for the future?

Trying to use everything I learned throughout my life to eventually become a better person in all aspects. Professionally speaking I would like to be able to have my own business when I get the opportunity.

What would you say to a student thinking of applying for this programme?

My first suggestion would be: Just go for it. If you have a passion for something, read through the programme that immediately grabs your attention and what it can offer you, and then just don't hesitate to jump on the ride.