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Transformation in the interface of planning

The research school TRANSPLACE develops and implements ambitious initiatives for sustainable transformation in collaboration with key stakeholders in Swedish urban development and transport planning. The research focuses on practice- and action-oriented research that contributes to challenging existing work methods and strengthening the reflective capacity within Swedish urban planning.

TRANSPLACE is operated by the Department of Urban Planning and Environment at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in cooperation with Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge at Södertörn University, Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Uppsala University, and The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). The research school also include a number of practice partners: Region Stockholm, Trafikverket - Swedish Transport Administration, Botkyrka municipality, Huddinge municipality, Knivsta municipality, Hägerstensåsens medborgarhus, and Omställningsnätverket.
