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Light and Dark Rhythms

Light and Dark Rhythms - Daylight and Artificial Light Qualities for the Design of Future Spaces

The research project investigates lighting quality under a human perspective via literature reviews and experimental work.

The focus of the experimental work is the impact of variation of spectral properties and intensity on humans’ perceptual system. This will be accomplished by creating new experiences that are based on the interplay between artificial light and daylight, and by the use of psychophysical methods and novel measurement and assessment methods. The outcome of the research will be of importance for the prediction of future lighting design programmes and policies.

We believe light and dark rhythms are necessary for the development of a creative, performative and healthy society.


Roberto Bresin
Roberto Bresin Supervisor
Arne Lowden
Arne Lowden Co-supervisor [Stockholm University] Profile
Ute Besenecker
Ute Besenecker Co-supervisor


F. Favero and U. Besenecker, "Artificial light(ing) or electric light(ing)?," in The 8th International Light Symposium: Re-thinking Lighting Design in a Sustainable Future, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022, pp. 1-11.
K. Teär Fahnerhjelm et al., "Belysning och utveckling av undersökningsrum : Multifunktionsrum i sjukvården," , Rapport, S:t Eriks Ögonsjukhus och KTH, 2012.
F. Favero et al., "Kunskapsöversikt : Syn och belysning för äldre i arbetslivet," , Rapport 2012: Arbetsmiljöverket, 16, 2012.
F. Favero et al., "Light and Motion: Effects of Light Conditions and mEDI on Activity and Motion Area under a Sky-Lighting Machine," LEUKOS The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, pp. 1-23, 2024.
F. Favero, "Light Rhythms : Exploring the Perceptual and Behavioural Effects of Daylight and Artificial Light Conditions in a Scandinavian Context," Doctoral thesis : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2024:32, 2024.
A. Lowden and F. Favero, "Ljus och hälsa : En kunskapssammanställning med fokus på dagsljusets betydelse i inomhusmiljö," Folkhälsomyndigheten, Technical report, 03573-2017, 2017.
F. Favero and A. Lowden, "NATURAL EXPERIMENT ON THE EFFECT OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING AND DAYLIGHT," in PROCEEDINGS of  CIE 2014 "Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency”, 2014.
F. Favero, "Natural light lighting qualities for the design of future spaces development of a methodology," in 27TH SESSION OF THE CIE, VOL. 1, PTS 1 AND 2, 2011, pp. 482-487.
R. A. Mangkuto et al., "Optimisation of daylight admission based on modifications of light shelf design parameters," Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 18, pp. 195-209, 2018.
R. Bresin et al., "SOUND FOREST/LJUDSKOGEN: A LARGE-SCALE STRING-BASED INTERACTIVE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT," in Sound and Music Computing 2016, 2016, pp. 79-84.
P. Nylén et al., "Vision, light and aging : A literature overview on older-age workers," Work : A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 399-412, 2014.