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Eliana Duarte: Representation of Context-Specific Causal models

Time: Tue 2022-02-22 10.15

Location: KTH, 3721, Lindstedtsvägen 25, and Zoom

Video link: Meeting ID: 659 3743 5667

Participating: Eliana Duarte (Centro de Matemática Universidade do Porto)

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In this talk, I will introduce a class of discrete statistical models to represent context-specific conditional independence relations for discrete data. These models can also be represented by sequences of context-DAGs (directed acyclic graphs). We prove that two of these models are statistically equivalent if and only their contexts are equal and the context DAGs have the same skeleton and v-structures. This is a generalization of the Verma and Pearl criterion for equivalence for DAGs. This is joint work with Liam Solus. A video abstract is available at .