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Ismar Volic: Manifold calculus of functors for r-immersions

Time: Tue 2019-01-22 13.15 - 14.15

Location: Room 34, building 5, Kräftriket, Stockholm University

Participating: Ismar Volic (Wellesley College)

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ABSTRACT: Manifold calculus of functors has in recent years been applied with great success to various spaces of embeddings, including spaces of knots and links. One can also apply this theory to spaces of r-immersions, which are immersions where no more than r-1 points are allowed to equal (embeddings are thus 2-immersions). I will give some background on calculus of functors and then present some recent work on how this theory applies to r-immersions. More precisely, I will discuss the issue of the convergence of the Taylor tower that “approximates” this space. Manifold calculus in this context supplies interesting connections to combinatorial topology, such as the structure of certain subspace arrangements as well as Tverberg-like problems, so some time will be devoted to these topics. This is joint work with Franjo Šarčević.