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Maria Yakerson: The beauty of the beast: the Hilbert scheme of infinite affine space

Time: Wed 2021-11-03 15.15 - 17.00

Location: Albanova, FD5 (also Zoom, meeting ID 625 9883 0334)

Participating: Maria Yakerson (ETH Zurich)

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FD5, Albanova (directions available here ). Also possible to participate via Zoom, meeting ID 625 9883 0334 .


11:15–12:15 Pre-colloquium on varieties and their cohomology  (by Jeroen Hekking) in FB52

15:15–15:30 SMC prizes for the academic year 2020/2021 will be announced and awarded.
15:30–16:30 Colloquium lecture by Maria Yakerson.
16:30–17:00 SMC social get together with refreshments.


We will investigate interaction between algebraic geometry and homotopy theory by considering an example of a particularly interesting algebraic variety, which has all possible singularities, and yet turns out to have a surprisingly simple homotopy type. Based on joint work with Marc Hoyois, Joachim Jelisiejew, Denis Nardin and Burt Totaro.