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Oskar Nilsson: Regelbundna polyedrar: Redogörelse för Platonska kroppar och Kepler-Poinsots stjärnpolyedrar

Time: Tue 2019-01-29 14.30 - 15.30

Location: Room 32, House 5, Kräftriket, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University

Respondent: Oskar Nilsson

Supervisor: Alan Sola

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Abstract: This essay aims to account for the Platonic solids, and furthermore to present evidence for why there are only five regular polyhedrons. In the essay several proof for Euler’s formula are presented, which are later utilized to prove that there are only five regular polyhedrons. Moreover, the topic is expanded upon by describing a number of operations that are applicable on the polyhedrons, these are: Rotations, Stellations, and Faceting of the solids. Finally, Kepler-Poinsot polyhedrons are accounted for and provides an argument for five or nine regular polyhedrons.

Thank you note:Jag vill självklart rikta ett tack till min handledare Alan Sola som hjälpt mig utforma arbetet.

Förutom Alan vill jag tacka min studiekamrat Christoffer Engqvist som jag bollat många idéer med.