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Thomas Kragh: Lagrangian intersection theory, Curved A_\infty algebras, and a possible lift to spectra.

Second "Wednesday Stockholm Zoom Seminar"

Time: Wed 2020-04-29 13.15

Location: Zoom, Meeting ID: 689 4480 8319

Participating: Thomas Kragh, Uppsala universitet

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I will start by describing the ideas involved in constructing Quantum cohomology and intersection Floer homology. I will then talk about the differences between these two and how the latter leads to the notion of curved \(A_\infty\) algebras (the former does not). I will then discuss an explicit model for handling curved \(A_\infty\) algebras and how we hope to lift this to spectra - with the ultimate goal of lifting intersection Floer homology itself to a construction in spectra. This is joint work with M. Abouzaid and A. Blumberg.

Additional Information

The "Wednesday Stockholm Zoom seminar" will be at 13:15 on Wednesdays. People can attend using Zoom. The meeting ID will be the same each week.