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KTH Innovation Catalyst: Energy

Sustainable Development goal 7, mockup of Novatron solution, and KTH flag

How can startups and industry work together to ensure a sustainable and stable future energy supply? That is the focus of a half-day event at KTH Innovation on March 15.

Tid: On 2023-03-15 kl 08.30 - 14.00

Plats: KTH Innovation, Teknikringen 1

Språk: English

Medverkande: KTH faculty, industry executives and KTH startup leaders

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Energy innovation at KTH

KTH is a leader in Swedish energy research and innovation. From fusion power to small modular reactors and green hydrogen technology, this is where to look for the solutions that can shape our future.

Solution-oriented discussions

KTH Innovation now invites select industry leaders, startup founders, and academia for a solution-oriented discussion on how we can strengthen collaboration between startups and industry. Hear from companies like Vattenfall, Greenely, and Leadcold, and listen to pitches from up-and-coming energy startups.

Who should join?

Are you a corporate representative looking to explore potential partnerships with KTH startups, an innovative researcher, or an investor looking for new deals? Want to learn about emerging energy technologies and trends, and network with other leaders within the energy ecosystem across industry, startups, investors and academia? Then this is an event for you!

Keynotes and startup pitches

Our program will feature keynotes from industry leaders and KTH faculty, presentations from KTH startups that are developing the next generation of energy technology solutions, and a panel that will discuss future energy challenges, innovations and partnerships.


Registration is now closed. Want to join? Send an email to Marcus Dahllöf.


08.30-09.00: Registration, light breakfast and networking

09:00-09.10: Welcome & introduction by:

  • Lisa Ericsson, Head of KTH Innovation
  • Marcus Dahllöf, Director of Startup Industry Program

09.10-10.20: Keynotes and startup presentations from:

  • Lars Nordström, KTH Professor, Power System Management (20 min)
  • Jacob Stedman, CEO, LeadCold  (10 min)
  • Jane Walerud, Executive Chairwoman, Paebbl  (10 min)
  • Liam Hardey, CEO, Cellfion  (10 min)
  • Karl Bergman, Vice President, R&D, Vattenfall  (20 min)

10:20-10.40: Networking break

10.40-11.40: Keynotes and startup presentations from:

  • Åsa Lyckström, Sustainability Strategist, Siemens Energy  (20 min)
  • Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Professor Chair in Power Grid Technology, Director of KTH Energy Platform  (20 min)
  • Robin Jansson, Chief of staff, Greenely  (10 min)
  • Peter Roos, CEO, Novatron  (10)

11:40-12.20: Panel discussion



  • Siimon Vaske, Business Development Coach at KTH Innovation & Portfolio Manager at KTH Holding .

12:20-12.25: 1 minute pitches from startups:

  • Caplyzer  - Developing a new chemical water-splitting technology that offers increased flexibility and robustness for hydrogen production from renewable sources.
  • DTR-1  - Extends the capacity of power systems by using smart power management of components and an innovative approach to power system planning and operations.
  • Southern Lights  - Empowers energy developers to efficiently assess green hydrogen projects by providing a powerful tool to design, simulate and assess project feasibility
  • Phoenix BioPower  - Renewable, plannable, scalable power from sustainable biomass residues 

12:25 – Lunch, startup exhibit, and networking

14:00 – End of program

Speaker bios

Portrait of Karl Bergman

Karl Bergman

Karl Bergman is Head of Research and Development of Vattenfall, a North European energy company. Earlier positions include heading business units for nuclear power and for district heating. Before joining Vattenfall in 2003, Karl was a management consultant with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. 1988-2000 he worked for ABB in R&D; sales; and business development. Karl has a Ph. D. from Lund University. He is member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Portrait of Lina Bertling Tjernberg

Lina Bertling Tjernberg

Lina Bertling Tjernberg is a Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH – The Royal Institute of Technolog and is the Director of the Energy Platform. Her research and teaching are focused on applying mathematics (e.g. statistics, optimization, life cycle assessment) for predicting and modeling reliability, and the impact of maintenance efforts for various electric power system applications. The research interests include future technologies (e.g. microgrids, battery storage, wind/solar), designs, and operation of the power grid including electrified transportation.

Portrait of Liam Hardey

Liam Hardey

Liam Hardey is the CEO of Swedish clean tech start-up, Cellfion. With a background in business development and marketing, Liam brings a unique perspective to the field of bio-based membranes for electrochemical applications. Born in England, Liam moved to Sweden 6 years ago as an elite athlete but has since this pursued his passion for environmental issues. As the CEO of Cellfion, Liam is dedicated to making a difference in the world by commercializing eco-friendly and sustainable solutions. 

Portrait of Åsa Lyckström

Åsa Lyckström

Åsa Lyckström joined Siemens in 2001 and has held various positions in the company’s energy businesses, including industrial size gas turbines, power plant operations, customers’ business drivers and the energy business. In 2019 Åsa Lyckström was appointed Board Member of the Executive Leadership team of Siemens Energy AB in Sweden with focus on product sustainability. In 2020 she was appointed board Member of Hydrogen Sweden. She holds a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, with focus on Heat and Power Technology, from KTH.

Portrait of Lars Nordström

Lars Nordström

Lars Nordström (Ph.D., MSc.EE) is Professor in Information Systems for Power System Control at KTH. His research and teching is focused on issues at the crossroads of control, communication and power systems. He has served as director of the Swedish centre of Electric Power Engineering and as Thematic leader for Smartgrids and electric storage in KIC InnoEnergy. In 2014 he was visiting professor at Washington State University. He is the author of 100+ scientific papers in journals and international conferences, a senior member of the IEEE, CIRED and Cigre and past chairman of the Swedish mirror committee of IEC TC57.

Portrait of Peter Roos

Peter Roos

Peter has a long entrepreneurial background within technology companies, most recently acting as the CEO of FindOut Technologies and Prevas InfoVis. As a former developer, Peter's work has been related to organizational and business development for high-tech companies with the purpose to make their development organizations more efficient. Peter holds an M.Sc in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Studies in economics.

Portrait of Jacob Stedman

Jacob Stedman

Jacob Stedman is CEO of Leadcold, a Swedish deeptech startup that designs and markets small modular reactors (SMRs). He has more than 10 years of experience running start-ups and scale-ups, most recently as CEO of the Nordic healthtech leader Platform24. Jacob also spent 6 years with McKinsey & Co as a consultant, focusing on electricity production and climate change.

Portrait of Jane Walerud

Jane Walerud

Jane is a successful serial deep tech company founder and active angel investor since 1999, being one of the first investors in Klarna. Jane was a member of the inaugural Innovation Council led by the Prime Minister 2015-2018, and have been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Royal Institute of Technology, a gold medal from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and a BA from Stanford University.

Portrait of Lisa Ericsson

Lisa Ericsson

Lisa Ericsson has over 20 years’ of experience of working with innovation and entrepreneurship tied closely to the academic sphere. She has held a number of roles at KTH since 2002 and in 2006 she became CEO of KTH Holding AB. In 2007 she was also recruited as Head of KTH Innovation with the task of setting up the new department. Today, she holds both of these positions.

Marcus Dahllöf portrait

Marcus Dahllöf

Marcus is the Director of KTH Innovation’s Startup Industry Program, which exists to create engagement, collaboration and potential partnership between KTH startups and industry partners. Marcus has spent his career at the intersection of high-tech, startups and corporate innovation, founding two startups (one exit in cybersecurity), managing innovation strategy and startup relationships at Nokia. He lead the premier startup-corporate relationship program at MIT for the past six years, facilitating hundreds of startup-corporate connections that lead to several successful partnerships each year.

Portait of Siimon Vaske

Siimon Vaske

Innovation and Investment Professional with 25+ years of experience in start-ups, scale-ups, and business creation. Holds a Master of Science degree from Chalmers University of Technology. Proven track record as a business executive, including positions as Chairman of the Board, Foreign Trade Advisor, and CEO of a publicly traded company. 

KTH Innovation Catalyst

This is the first in a series of Catalyst events organized by KTH Innovation that will explore emerging trends, disruptions and technology innovations, and catalyze potential business partnerships among attendees. Future Catalyst events will focus on KTH’s six key technology platforms (Energy, Digitalisation, Industrial Transformation, Life Sciences, Materials and Transportation).

Energymyndigheten logo

Sustainable Energy Action

This event is a part of Sustainable Energy Action, a joint initiative by Sting, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, KTH Holding AB, THINGS and Ignite Sweden to speed up the commercialization of energy and climate related innovations in the Stockholm region. The initiative is led by Sting and financed by the Swedish Energy Agency.

Images by Pixabay, Novatron Group & KTH