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Sverker Sörlin speaks on the intellectual legacy of David Lowenthal

Published Apr 04, 2019

Sverker Sörlin held his speach in Washington DC on 4 April 2019 in memorial session on the intellectual legacy of the environmental geographer.

"This presentation will be one of several in a memorial session in the honor of David Lowenthal, who was Professor Emeritus of Geography at University College, London. I will talk about Professor Lowenthal's contribution to the emerging field of Environmental Humanities and most particularly on his last book, Quest for the Unity of Knowledge, which was published posthumously by Routledge in November 2018. The book is based on a series of lectures that he gave while a visiting fellow with the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory in Stockholm in the fall term of 2012. " Read more.  

David Lowenthal gave the first Stockholm Archipelago Lecture in September 2012 when the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory was in its first year (the poster for this event can be found here ). The lectures were recently published as The Quest for the Unity of Knowledge (Routledge)  with a foreword by Sverker Sörlin, Marco Armiero, and Libby Robin.

He passed away on 15 September in London, age 95. Here is his obituary in the Guardian: