Guest and Visiting Scholar Policy

Guests are a vital part of scholarly exchange, network building and the long-term vibrancy and intellectual health of the Division for the History of Science, Technology and the Environment and our research centres, the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory (EHL) and the Centre of Excellence for Anthropocene History (CEAH). Guests bring new ideas, foster connections, and help build the social sinews that lead to fruitful collaborations. We are excited to welcome guests and visiting scholars from a variety of backgrounds from all over the world.
Guests are usually faculty members on sabbaticals or research leaves, visiting doctoral students, and postdoctoral scholars on mobility schemes. If you are interested in visiting the Division, EHL or CEAH, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our current research and projects to ensure a good intellectual fit.
General Guidelines
Guests are fully welcomed into the activities of the Division and both research centres during their stay. We provide a shared office and access to our excellent kitchen and common spaces.
Due to KTH policy, guests will usually not be able to gain full KTH library lending and database privileges. Internet access is available via Eduroam.
Guest placements are reviewed by the Division steering group on a rolling basis. To ensure proper consideration and office space, we encourage prospective guests make contact at least three and ideally six months in advance of the planned residency period.
Once your guest placement is approved, you can gain access to short term housing via KTH Relocation. Housing is not guaranteed and in high-demand, so please plan in advance.
Guests should not plan on being in residence during the Swedish summer holidays, from Midsummar (late June) through early August. Division offices are closed to non-employees during this period.
If you are interested in becoming a guest or visiting scholar at the Division, please contact the faculty member or researcher who best connects with your interests to serve as a possible sponsor. If you are interested in the EHL or CEAH, please contact the appropriate centre director.