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  • Urban climate challenges at the waterfront – workshop within EU-initiative S.O.S. Climate Waterfront

    Published Jun 15, 2022

    Cities are facing new challenges with consequences of climate change affecting cities in many ways today and also on a longer time scale. During four weeks in May-June, six teams with researchers from...

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  • The Division of History of Science Technology and Environment at Sthm+50

    Published May 30, 2022

    "It’s time for bold choices. It’s time for urgent action. It’s time for a better future on a healthy planet." In June, Stockholm will host the UN conference, which draws attention to the fact that it ...

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  • She studies cultural heritage in the polar regions and polar futures

    Från vänster till höger stående: Kati Lindström (KTH), Naine Terena, (Pinacoteca, Sao Paulo, Brasili
    Från vänster till höger stående: Kati Lindström (KTH), Naine Terena, (Pinacoteca, Sao Paulo, Brasilien); Lize-Marié Hansen van der Watt (KTH), Leif Petersen (Sustainable Livelihoods, Sydafrika), Bruno Moreschi, (Pinacoteca, Sao Paulo University); Lizabé Lambrechts (Stellenbosch University, co-PI) Fernanda de Castro (interpreter), Framre råd: Fernanda Pitta (Pinacoteca, co-PI) och Bossiedokter Neville (healer). Foto: Kayla Peters
    Published Apr 26, 2022

    Lize-Marié Hansen van der Watt has a PhD in history and researches the polar history and polar futures, focusing on the intersection of environment, science, cultural heritage and critical geopolitics...

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  • David Nilsson Appointed School's new Head of Communication, Collaboration and Impact

    Published Mar 31, 2022

    We are happy to share the news that David Nilsson, researcher at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environemnt, recently was appointed the new 2nd Deputy Head of School for ABE. In th...

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  • KTH is preparing to receive Ukrainian researchers

    Portrait of Nina Wormbs.
    The acute security situation requires that we adopt new methods, according to Nina Wormbs, contact person for Scholars at Risk (SAR). (Photo: Viktoria Davidsson)
    Published Mar 29, 2022

    KTH is strengthening the resources needed to receive fleeing Ukrainian researchers. Increased funding for the organisation Scholars at Risk (SAR) and a fundraising campaign for scholarships provide an...

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  • Towards a modest imaginary?

    Published Mar 14, 2022

    Timos Karpouzoglou together with Mary Lawhon and Gloria Nsangi Nakyagaba, was published in the February issue of Urban Studies with the article "Towards a modest imaginary? Sanitation in Kampala beyon...

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  • Latest Division Newsletter

    Published Feb 25, 2022

    In the end of February, just before the Stockholm Winter Break, a new Division newsletter was sent out. Follow the link below to read.

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  • Sverker Sörlin, one of eight new Honorary Doctors Appointed by the UiB

    Published Feb 11, 2022

    The University of Bergen announced eight new honorary doctors on February 10, 2022. We are happy to announce Sverker Sörlin as one of the receivers of this prestigious award.

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  • Research in between educational and technical history

    Lina Rahm researches critical pedagogy and environmental humanities at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment. Photo: Hanna Kalla
    Published Feb 02, 2022

    Lina Rahm is a new Assistant Professor at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment. Her research focuses on the intersection between sociotechnical and educational imaginaries.

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  • Division joins Australia Research Council 'Discovery Grant'

    Published Jan 14, 2022

    An interdisciplinary team led by History and Medicine Professor Warwick Anderson will explore the rise of the concept of 'planetary health' and the increased understanding of public health and human a...

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  • Daniel Svensson - Selected as one of Tomorrow's Sports Researchers by the Swedish Olympic Committee

    Daniel Svensson. Picture by: Florence Oppenheim
    Published Dec 20, 2021

    Daniel Svensson, assistant professor in sports management at the Department of Sports Sciences (IDV) at Malmö University, was previously a doctoral student at the Division of History of Science, Techn...

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  • Beyond Unprepared and Sustainability’s Formative Moment - Formas' Grants two new Projects

    Published Nov 29, 2021

    Division researchers Fredrik Bertilsson and Eric Paglia recieved funding for four years each in the Formas Annual Open Call 2021 – Research projects for early-career researchers. In 2022 the Division ...

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  • The Thuréus Prize to Sverker Sörlin

    Sverker Sörlin. Photo: Frankie Fouganthin
    Sverker Sörlin. Photo: Frankie Fouganthin
    Published Nov 23, 2021

    The Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala awards Sverker Sörlin the Thuréus Prize on November 23. He receives the prize in the historical-archeological class for "outstanding contributions as a pioneer...

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  • Call for Papers: The Nuclear-Water Nexus

    Published Nov 22, 2021

    The team behind the NUCLEARWATERS project is planning for a workshop, to which they invite senior and junior scholars (including PhD students) from all fields – not only history – to present research ...

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  • A meeting between researchers, artists, an art gallery and the business world. 

    Published Nov 09, 2021

    ​Watch Paul Schrotti from  Lindéngruppen in conversation with researcher David Nilsson and artist Åsa Cederqvist about the exhibition Symbios at Färgfabriken. A meeting between researchers, artists, a...

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  • Sverker Sörlin is awarded IVA's Great Gold Medal

    Sverker Sörlin. Photo: Karin Tengby
    Published Oct 20, 2021

    Sverker Sörlin, Professor in Environmental History at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, has been awarded the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' (IVA) Great Go...

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  • 70 Climate Scientists Urge Governments in the UK and Europe to act against Climate Change

    Climate protesters erected a Boris Johnson statue splattered in oil in Whitehall on Monday (AFP/Getty/the Independent))
    Published Oct 19, 2021

    In a letter published in the leading UK newspaper The Independent, no less than seventy climate scientists argue that the UK and Europe must take “bold political action” on fossil fuels and rule out n...

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  • Urban Water Imaginaries in Exhibition - Interview with Katarina Larsen

    Published Sep 21, 2021

    The exhibition Symbiosis at Färgfabriken is a place for dialogue and an ongoing experiment created together with artists, researchers, designers and architects to explore new ways of thinking about ou...

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  • Nina Wormbs Receives Scholarship for new Book on Climate

    From top left: Magnus Ivarsson, Mårten Lind, Roland Paulsen, Erika Schagatay, Bo Söderström and Nina Wormbs. All recipients of the popular science scholarship of SEK 100,000. Photo: Natur & Kultur
    Published Sep 14, 2021

    Nina Wormbs was awarded Natur & Kultur's scholarship for popular science in September together with five other researchers and authors. The aim with is to convey research to a wider audience, and this...

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  • Symbiosis - a Collaboration between NATURE and Färgfabriken

    Photo: John Jakobsson
    Published Aug 19, 2021

    Timos Karpouzoglou, Katarina Larsen and David Nilsson team up in the RJ funded project NATURE. Together with artists from Färgfabriken they have collaborated and developed a theme about water and infr...

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