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  • ‘You don’t usually expect the pope to take notice’

    Two images, a portrait of Sverker Sörlin and a photo of Pope Francis waving to an audience.
    KTH Professor Sverker Sörlin (left, photo: Karin Tengby), Pope Francis (right, photo: Annik Susemihl)
    Published Oct 10, 2023

    As a world-leading researcher and writer on environmental history, KTH Professor Sverker Sörlin is used to seeing his work widely cited. But getting mentioned by Pope Francis took him by surprise.

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  • The Ocean – a contemporary history

    A yellow sea cucumber on the seabed
    A "gummy squirrel" sea cucumber, Psychropotes longicauda, living at a depth of 5,000 meters. Image courtesy of the DeepCCZ expedition/NOAA
    Published May 02, 2023

    Tirza Meyer is a contemporary historian and a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy and History, who has come to devote her work to the ocean. After studying how the United Nations C...

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  • Kitchen talk 19 April 2023

    Published Apr 20, 2023

    "New actors' perspectives with the municipality as a catalyst: third place dilemmas and digital infrastructure to meet climate challenges"

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  • Meet Karin Edvardsson Björnberg, the ABE School’s new deputy head of school

    Karin Edvardsson Björnberg, first deputy head of school
    Karin Edvardsson Björnberg
    Published Feb 02, 2023

    The ABE School’s first deputy head of school is new in her position – she got the title yesterday – but she has a long experience from KTH. She came here already 20 years ago, as a doctoral student in...

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  • How do we think about environmental issues in the Arctic and Antarctic?

    en man i förgrunden, berg och ett vattendrag i bakgrunden
    “I like when the questions are big. Some answers to questions that we posed in the project really raised more questions. Overall there is so much still to learn from looking more closely at the politics of natural scientific research in polar environments,” says Peder Roberts.
    Published Nov 16, 2022

    In February 2017, historian Peder Roberts and colleagues started the ERC project "Greening the Poles: Science, the Environment, and the Creation of the Modern Arctic and Antarctic". The research group...

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  • The film festival Crosscuts – another way to communicate research

    Illustrations from Jörg Bachmanns Instagram account happypocketknife
    Illustrations by happypocketknife Images: Jörg Bachmann
    Published Sep 27, 2022

    Artists, researchers and activists come together with a wide audience to share a diverse film repertoire within the field of environmental humanities at the annual Crosscuts Film Festival.

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  • New research projects and a new house for KTH Climate Action Centre

    Researchers in front of building
    Part of KTH Climate Action Centre's multidisciplinary faculty in front of the new house.
    Published Sep 15, 2022

    On September 14, all faculty affiliated to KTH Climate Action Centre was gathering for the first time for a workshop and mingle. At the same time, the centre’s new venue at Teknikringen 43 was inaugur...

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  • Decision on establishment of competence centre formation KTH Environmental Humanities Lab, EHL

    Published Sep 06, 2022

    The President has decided to establish the competence centre formation KTH Environmental Humanities Lab, EHL, with the term of office 01-01-2023 – 12-31-2027. The ABE school is appointed as the host s...

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  • "Enough is enough, politicians - take the climate crisis seriously"

    Published Aug 25, 2022

    In a debate article, published in the Swedish daily news paper Aftonbladet, 1944 researchers from 45 Swedish universities urges the politicians to take the climate crisis seriously and asks: What is i...

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  • She studies cultural heritage in the polar regions and polar futures

    Från vänster till höger stående: Kati Lindström (KTH), Naine Terena, (Pinacoteca, Sao Paulo, Brasili
    Från vänster till höger stående: Kati Lindström (KTH), Naine Terena, (Pinacoteca, Sao Paulo, Brasilien); Lize-Marié Hansen van der Watt (KTH), Leif Petersen (Sustainable Livelihoods, Sydafrika), Bruno Moreschi, (Pinacoteca, Sao Paulo University); Lizabé Lambrechts (Stellenbosch University, co-PI) Fernanda de Castro (interpreter), Framre råd: Fernanda Pitta (Pinacoteca, co-PI) och Bossiedokter Neville (healer). Foto: Kayla Peters
    Published Apr 26, 2022

    Lize-Marié Hansen van der Watt has a PhD in history and researches the polar history and polar futures, focusing on the intersection of environment, science, cultural heritage and critical geopolitics...

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  • David Nilsson Appointed School's new Head of Communication, Collaboration and Impact

    Published Mar 31, 2022

    We are happy to share the news that David Nilsson, researcher at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environemnt, recently was appointed the new 2nd Deputy Head of School for ABE. In th...

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  • Research in between educational and technical history

    Lina Rahm researches critical pedagogy and environmental humanities at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment. Photo: Hanna Kalla
    Published Feb 02, 2022

    Lina Rahm is a new Assistant Professor at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment. Her research focuses on the intersection between sociotechnical and educational imaginaries.

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  • He examines adaptations in society to climate change during times of deep uncertainty

    Per Wikman Svahn undersöker risker och däribland hur vi kan anpassa samhället till de stigande havsnivåerna. (Foto: Hanna Kalla)
    Published Nov 17, 2021

    Per Wikman Svahn is a researcher at the Division of Philosophy and examines, among other things, decision-making strategies during times of deep uncertainty, philosophical aspects of worst-case scenar...

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  • Urban water imaginaries in exhibition - co-creative dialogues between science, art, and engineering

    In the exhibition Symbiosis at Färgfabriken "Källan" is a meeting place where you can listen to a sound installation, watch art with AR (Augmented Reality) and sit down on a bench by a digital pond that projects water in various forms. This is where the dialogue about water in cities begins. Artist Åsa Cederqvist work The Source (film installation,15:30), and The Essence (prototype AR work) (Photo: Johan Österholm/Färgfabriken)
    Published Sep 21, 2021

    The exhibition Symbiosis at Färgfabriken is a place for dialogue and an ongoing experiment created together with artists, researchers, designers and architects to explore new ways of thinking about ou...

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  • Both technology and ethics are needed in the smart city

    Illustration: Undraw
    Published Jun 03, 2021

    Barbro Fröding’s current research project is about identifying and dealing with the ethical issues that may arise when new technology and people meet, specifically residents in a city. How do you go a...

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  • The Mediated Planet: Claiming Data for Environmental SDGs

    NASA / Unsplash
    Published Mar 31, 2021

    What role does the global sustainability goals have in the collection and processing of data on the environment? What are the effects of datafication? What can a framework for trust and participation ...

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