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The PhD Programme

At the Department of Philosophy, research is conducted within many branches of philosophy, but especially within the philosophical study of technology and its use in society. Some of the department's most important research areas are decision theory, risk philosophy, science philosophy, logic, environmental philosophy and bioethics.

Philosophy was established as a doctoral education subject at KTH in 2001. Since the establishment, an average of two PhD students per year graduate from the department. In addition, a number of licentiate degrees are awarded.

As part of the doctoral education programme, the PhD thesis work is combined with postgraduate courses. Some of the courses are taken at the department, others at other higher education institutions. During the course of the education programme, you will get the chance to present your research at the department's higher seminars. For most students admitted to doctoral studies in philosophy, it is possible to extend the study time by one year, for example by teaching.

The PhD programme in philosophy is funded mainly through external research grants. Key research financiers are Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council), Formas, Mistra, Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Agency), Forte / VR and Stockholm County Council (SLL). Recruitment takes place on a project basis, based on the current availability of research funding that covers four years of full-time postgraduate studies. Recruitment usually takes place through announced positions in a highly competitive selection and admission process.

If you are interested in doctoral studies at our department, you are welcome to contact us with your questions, even if no relevant position is currently announced. More information about our current PhD projects can be found under the "Research" tab on the left.

For further information, please contact:

The program coordinator for doctoral studies