Andreas Feldmann
Associate Professor
About me
Docent in Industrial Engineering and Management with specialisation in Resource efficient and sustainable value chains
Key areas/Research interest
- Sustainable production
- Sustainable supply chains
- Sustainable purchasing
- Management of circular material flows
- Circular economy
- Material recycling in a circular economy
Other assignments
Member of the management team for CE@KTH
Deputy director for the degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management (300 ECTS)
Director for the Master's program in Industrial Engineering and Management
Circular Economy and Industrial Systems (MJ111V), teacher | Course web
Circular Economy for Materials Processing (MH2051), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Engineering Chemistry, First Cycle (KA103X), teacher | Course web
Design, Profiling Course (MH1025), teacher | Course web
Industrial transformation and technological innovation (ME2322), course responsible | Course web
Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management (ME1314), teacher | Course web
Quantitative Business and Operations Analytics (ME1316), teacher | Course web