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Luca Brandt

Profilbild av Luca Brandt

Om mig

I'm interested in fluid mechanics and, more specifically, in the understanding of the behavior of complex fluids, such as suspensions, and biological flows.

In my research, I use numerical simulations and theoretical analysis to investigate the physics of fluids.  Theoretical tools contribute to identify the relevance of the different parameters, yielding hence clear suggestions about the configurations to be analysed in the numerical simulations. The importance of physical experiments to verify the results of the theoretical analysis is also recognized. Therefore I also run experiments in collaborations with colleagues at KTH and abroad. 

My current research interests are:

  • Complex fluids and suspensions
  • Biofluids
  • Hydrodynamic Stability
  • Receptivity, sensitivity and passive flow control
  • Active flow control
  • Optimization
  • Numerical simulation of transitional and turbulent flows


Examensarbete inom mekanik, avancerad nivå (SG212X), examinator | Kurswebb

Examensarbete inom strömningsmekanik, avancerad nivå (SG213X), examinator | Kurswebb

Partikeldynamik med projekt (SG1115), assistent | Kurswebb

Strömningsmekanik (SG2214), assistent | Kurswebb

Strömningsmekanik fortsättningskurs (SG2225), lärare, kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Vågrörelser och hydrodynamisk stabilitet (SG2221), lärare | Kurswebb

Profilbild av Luca Brandt