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Daniel Söderberg

Profilbild av Daniel Söderberg



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Om mig

MSc in Vehicle Engineering (1994) and PhD in Fluid Mechanics (1999) at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. Employed at the Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute, which later changed name to Innventia, from 1999 to 2013. From 2009 Deputy Director of the business area Material Processes.

Adjunct Professor at KTH 2008-2014, and full-time at KTH since 2014 at the Department of Mechanics. Head of the Department of Mechanics at KTH 2016-2018. Since 2017 Director of the national research platform Treesearch (www.treesearch.se), which is aiming at research and development of materials from Swedish forest resources. Since 2020 Professor in Fibre processes at KTH Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology.

The research is related to multiphase flows, specifically in connection to processes related to the manufacturing of forest-based materials and active within the Wallenberg Wood Science Center.

Present appointments

Head of Division, Fibre processes

Director of Treesearch (www.treesearch.se)

Member of the ESS Scientific Advisory Committee



Elektronmikroskopianalys av fiber- och polymerbaserade material (FCK3109), examinator | Kurswebb

Examensarbete i datalogi och datateknik med inriktning mot maskininlärning, avancerad nivå (DA233X), examinator | Kurswebb

Examensarbete inom Fiber och Polymerteknologi, avancerad nivå (KF200X), examinator | Kurswebb

Fasta tillståndets kemi: struktur och metoder (KD2155), lärare | Kurswebb

Massa- och pappersprocesser (KF2470), examinator, kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Papperskemi för yrkesverksamma (CK108V), examinator, kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Projektarbete inom fiber- och polymerteknologi (KF2905), examinator | Kurswebb

Projektarbete inom fiber- och polymerteknologi (KF2910), examinator | Kurswebb