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Ellinor Hultmark

Profile picture of Ellinor Hultmark

Doctoral student




Researcher ID

About me

I work as a PhD-student in learning in technology education at the Department of Learning at KTH. In my research I am focused on exploring reasoning in technology education primarily in compulsory school. I conduct my research through the research school FontD.

My researchgroup at KTH is Learning in Technology and Science Education.


Degree Project in Subject-Based Teaching and Learning, Second Cycle (LT201X), assistant | Course web

Degree Project in Technology and Learning, Second Cycle (LT200X), teacher | Course web

Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education, year 1 (LT1041), teacher | Course web

Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education, year 2 (LT1042), teacher | Course web

Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education, year 3 (LT1043), teacher | Course web

School Placement 1 (LT1013), teacher | Course web

School Placement 1 (LT1055), teacher | Course web

Subject-based Teaching and Learning in Technology (LT1052), teacher | Course web

Subject-based teaching and learning (LT1017), assistant | Course web

Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics and Technology or Science (LT2032), teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Ellinor Hultmark


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