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Huina Mao

Profile picture of Huina Mao

Assistant Professor

About me

Huina's current research is about Metamaterials Design and Aerospace Technology at the Department of Engineering Mechanics.

Her post-doctor research (2017-2021) was about numerical modeling and design of acoustic materials, with a particular focus on finite element modeling, inverse estimation, machine learning, and 3D printing of acoustic multi-functional metamaterials for light-weight, high-stiffness, and noise reduction. She had been involved in a number of pioneering projects. TheAdvancEd aicRaft-noIse-AlLeviation devIceS using meTamaterials (AERIALIST funded by the European Commission) resulted in metamaterials for reduction of the noise propagating outside turbofan nacelles through modifying noise scattering patterns. An inverse estimation method of anisotropic acoustic metamaterials was developed which resulted in an important step forward in the artificial porous material properties characterization and microstructure design.

Her Ph.D. research (2012-2017) was focused on The Small Explorer for Advanced Missions project (SEAM Funded by the European Union), which resulted in two electromagnetically clean nanosatellites launched from Russia with precision attitude determination, autonomous data acquisition system, high-bandwidth telemetry, and ground control systems.

In the sustainable design based on multi-functional structural components, she was involved in low-density material design within the Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design since 2017.

She is also involved in the activities in the KTH Industrial Transformation Platform aimed to facilitate interaction between expertise at KTH and external partners within academia, public organizations, and companies with an interest in research about Industrial Transformation.


Degree Project in Space Technology, Second Cycle (SD291X), examiner | Course web

Experimental Structure Dynamics, Project Course (SD2150), teacher | Course web

Fundamentals of Spaceflight (SD2900), assistant, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Space Environment and Spacecraft Engineering (EF2260), teacher | Course web

Spacecraft Dynamics (SD2910), teacher | Course web

Vibro Acoustics (SD2140), teacher | Course web