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Ilja Sytjugov

Profile picture of Ilja Sytjugov



Roslagstullsbacken 21

About me

Ilya Sychugov's research focuses on nanophotonics and nanofabrication, with a particular interest in the optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures. After ~ 5 years of experience as a postdoc in Japan he joined KTH on a tenure track program in 2011, being a recipient of Göran Gustafssons Award for young researchers in 2013. His current work aims to understand and manipulate light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, contributing to advancements in photonic devices and materials. He has contributed to ~ 100 publications and has been cited more than 3,000 times.

In addition to his research, Prof. Sychugov is involved in teaching various courses at KTH, including "Electromagnetism and Waves" at basic level, "Quantum Materials and Devices" (“Semiconductor Photonics”) at advanced level, and “Spectroscopy of Semiconductors” at PhD level.

Through his research and teaching, Prof. Sychugov contributes to the advancement of nanophotonic materials and devices, and the education of future scientists and engineers in the field, as well as serving the research community as a panel member on research grant committees.


Degree Project in Applied Physics, Second Cycle (SK202X), examiner | Course web

Electromagnetism and Waves (SK1110), teacher | Course web

Electromagnetism and Waves (SK1117), teacher, course responsible, assistant | Course web

Fundamental Physics I (SK1150), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Introduction to Nanotechnology (SK2770), teacher | Course web

Physics I (SK1112), assistant, teacher | Course web

Quantum Materials and Devices (SK2901), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Quantum Technology (SK2903), teacher, assistant | Course web

Profile picture of Ilja Sytjugov


Publication list