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Xiaoliang Ma

Profile picture of Xiaoliang Ma



Brinellv 23

About me

Xiaoliang Ma is a docent in Intelligent Transport Systems and holds a senior researcher position at the ABE school of KTH. He is also affiliated to the Digital Futures research centre at EECS school of KTH. His research interests include computational modelling of complex systems, signal processing and estimation, measurement technology, intelligent controls and cyber-physical transport and infrastructure systems. His research approach is interdisciplinary, and combines mathematical models with data-driven analytics and computing methods that build knowledge base using real data and simulated experience.

At KTH, he has been leading a research lab for ITS technologies in collaboration with Swedish Transport Administration and industrial partners. He is also a co-founder of TrafficLab, a consortium of computer scientists working with different traffic engineering projects. He has been an industrial consultant with rich previous experience in development of intelligent systems. He holds a PhD in Transport System and MSc in Computational Science both from KTH.


Traffic Simulation Modelling and Applications (AH2174), course responsible, teacher | Course web